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T.T.Pooh's h/w page.

T.T.Pooh's Homepage

This is actually a homepage to collect Tim's homework....hahaha...well...whatever...
well dennis, now i'm copying you, i must be crazy

Last Update:Novermber 13th
Check the About Me! section!

...what the hell is this guy doing anywayz?!
This page is ~*STILL*~ under heavy construction, come back centrut and it might get fixed!

Hey whats up dude!, this is probably the first time you've come to visit this page so, FILL OUT THE GUESTBOOK!!! I know there's something wrong with the music so just keep up with it guys, i'm working on it!

Well, i'll like to thank people like Yolanda and Hao-en to "inspire" me to make this crummy page that i doubt anyone will go to....well, anyway, if you are here, you've just been fooled to add an extra "1" to my counter...HAHAHAHA ^o^

And i'll just like to say Hi to PpL in ma skOOl~~
Kei, visit just deserts more... maybe you'll see her again
Tom my awesome taiwanese RoomY,
Jonas.... no comments,
Captain(~*soul mate*~)
DorDor and HeeHee
Mat(don't da too much gay)..(and don't PK too much on yer skateboard)
Ann sor gwa.. and love buy bra
lavin 3 inch nail
Clearance ar!!! 50% off!!!
Fion... having fun in LA with andy
Dirty my mui mui
and last but not Beloved KENKEN

oh yea...and lots of thanks to people that i copied bits of their pages off....
and "ting" for visiting lah!(remember to fill the guestbook!)
If your name's not on this list, then fill out the guestbook anyways :) *kekekekek*...and fill it out even if your name is on the list

oh yea... i'm starting to add a page about myself soon.. so check if its here every now and again.
My ICQ number is 5358085, don't ICQ bomb me please!!

My Guestbook

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