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Columbian Squires News
Squires  BEAT  Knights
70 to 51
On June 11 at 8:00pm the Squires went head to head with the Knights in a fast paced game of basketball. The game was held in the gymnasium of the Mount Olive High School.  The Squires put up a tough fight against the Knights and did not let them take the lead even once.  The Knights did come within two points of the Squires when they held them to scoring two baskets in the third quarter.  The Squires pulled through and beat the Knights 70 to 51.
The slate of officers for Circle 2192 for the Columbian year (1999-2000) were elected during the general meeting on June 14th.  It is as follows: 
Chief Squi re 
Deputy Chief Squire 
Arms & Pole Captain
Tom DeLalla 
Nick Maselli 
James Sweeney 
Chris Pryor 
Drew Ruffini 
Dave Zaneski 
Eric Lipscomb
The Investiture was held on June 27, 1999 at 6:00 pm in the little church.
We would like to congratulate Drew Ruffini on becoming part of the Columbian
Squires Cirlce 2192.  We would also like to thank Grand Knight, James Sweeney,
Past Grand Knight, Lou Maselli, and all the other Knights and Squires that attended.
We would also like to thank the Invesiture team, and Nick Maselli for providing the food.
      This year our Dorney Park trip will be run Sat. August 14.   We will be leaving from the church parking lot to arrive at the park around 10:00 am and will staying at the park till 7:00pm.   We are carpooling, if anyone is intersest in being a driver please contact Tom DeLalla.   The cost will be about $20.00 per. Squire and $25 for Non-Squires.   We will need at least 20 squires,  friends,  and family members to receive the group rate.  All Permision forms are due in buy July 12 at our monthly meeting.  
Our general meeting will be held on July 12, at 7:30 in the Parish Center 
JULY  27th
For one of our squires socials this year, we will be going to a New Jersey Cardinals Baseball game.  The game will be played on Tuesday July 27 against the Oneonta Tigers.  We will leave from the church parking lot at  approximately 5:30 to get to the stadium and have our picnic before the 7:30 game.  The cost is $3.00 per Squire and $5.00 per Non-Squire, which will include a picnic for all the squires, provided at least 25 squires attend. Family members and friend are also invited to attend but please remember we are car- pooling down.  (Parking is $3.00 per car.) If you wish to be a driver contact Tom DeLalla.  The Drivers will recieve a the discounted Squires Price.
Attention all squires, your shirts have been made and can be picked up at the monthly meeting.  The cost is $5.00 per shirt.  They were used for the Memorial Day parade on Monday May 31. 
Our Officers
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