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S C H O O L  R E S O U R C E  O F F I C E R


1. Inhalant abuse

The student will be able to:

(1) Define inhalant abuse

(2) Understand what it does to your body

(3) Understand how this act makes you feel

(4) Understand the consequences if caught

2. Domestic violence

The student will be able to identify if they are a victim or if they know someone who is a victim.

3. Date rape

The student will be able to describe what date rape is and identify defferent ways to prevent the student from becoming a victim.

4. Methamphetamine

The student will identify what methamphetamine (crank) is and the effectrs it can have on the body.

The student will be able to name different types of stimulants and understand the different effects on the body.

The student will recognize signs of a user or dealer, and know what not to do.

5. Tobacco

The student will be able to:

(1) Identify the commercially available tobacco products.

(2) Identify the chemicals within tobacco.

(3) Understand the use of tobacco commonly leads to other drug use. ( Gateway substance)

(4) Identify the health risks associated with tobacco use.

(5) Identify the symptoms commonly associated with tobacco addiction.

(6) Understand who can legaly sell, purchase, possess, and use tobacco products. (Law)

6. Heroin

The student will be able to:

(1) Identify what heroin is and where it comes from.

(2) Describe the slang names of heroin.

(3) Identify the effects of heroin use on the body and the mind.

(4) Define addiction, and describe how heroin causes addiction.

(5) Describe some legal consequences of heroin use and possession.

(6) Describe some social and personal consequences of heroin use.

(7) Recognize some signs of heroin use, and how it is used.

(8) Be familiar with the resources to deal with heroin addiction.

7. Child Abuse

The student will be able to:

(1) Broadly define child abuse.

(2) Identify the various types of child abuse.

(3) Identify the signs of child abuse.

(4) List the area resources for victim assistance.

8. Victimology

The student will be able to:

(1) Understand the definition of a victim.

(2) Describe who can be a victim.

(3) How they victimize each other as they routinely live their lives.

(4) Understand how to overcome personal victimization and how to stop victimizing others.

9. LSD

The student will be able to:

(1) Explain where LSD originated.

(2) How LSD is ingested.

(3) Describe the effects of LSD on the body.

(4) Identify the legal consequences for possession and sale of LSD.




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