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Tiger sharks

Identifying Features

Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) is a large, dangerous shark of the tropics. It is both a predator and a scavenger; it will hunt, but also it will eat whatever falls overboard from boats. Suits of armor, liscense plates, and barrels of nails have all been found inside tiger sharks. When the tiger shark hunts, it will go after sea turtles, seals, sea lions, and other cetaceans. It also enjoys jellyfish. The stings don't bother it. But, that's not so strange. The Hammerhead enjoys eating sting rays. Adult tiger sharks spend their time beyond the reefs, in fairly deep water. Juveniles patroll the reefs and shallows, near beaches. Tiger sharks are generally sluggish, but can move quite quickly at times. If you see one while swimming, move away slowly and carefully. Then call a life-guard PDQ. However, these are not man-eaters. They are not out to get us. We must take pains to coexist peacefully.
