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Have you checked your search engine rankings recently? Are you even listed? If not, it's time to get serious about
your ranking/positioning with the major engines.... The success of your business depends on it!

Web Position & TopDog
The only search engine ranking/positioning software programs you should EVER consider purchasing. If you are concerned about your search engine ranking and positioning download these two award-winning positioning products today!
It's funny how people waste money on programs like Submit Wolf and Classify 98 when search engine ranking software only costs a bit more and is 50 times for effective.

One good ranking in one of the popular engines can dramatically increase traffic to your site... ONLY ONE! Imagine if you could achieve a high ranking in more than one???

I've got good news! There are two products on the market that will help you achieve that task: Web Position Gold & TopDog. These products are so closely related that some people may even consider these two search engine positioning/ranking products competitors...but in reality they really compliment each other. An efficient webmaster will have copies of both!

Web Position Gold - The Ultimate Search Engine Ranking Software

Over 90% of the search engine traffic to most Web sites comes from 8 to 10 major search engines. Therefore, you should prepare your server for a considerable increase in traffic after achieving just a few top 10 search positions with WebPosition Gold.
As the developers of Web Position Gold state, if you do not have a ranking within the first few pages of results...YOU LOSE. No ifs, ands, or buts. Most people find what they are looking for within the first 2-3 pages, and if you're not're out!

The search engines are constantly changing their algorithms (the way they rank web pages), so it is humanly impossible to keep track of each engine and how they determine a page's rank. Well, let me retract is possible, but you would probably have to spend an estimated 30+ hours per week checking and altering your web pages. I don't know about you, but I don't have that kind of time.

WebPosition Gold combines all the following features to launch your web site to the top of the search engines...

  • Generates doorway pages that instantly soar to the top of the engines
  • Gives you advice on your existing pages and shows you how to increase your ranking
  • Includes a built-in HTML editor for quick and easy changes.
  • Reports your positions in the engines
  • Tracks your visitors (where they came from and what keywords they used)
  • And much more...

Read the Testimonials...

"WebPosition GOLD is fantastic! All of the web tools that one needs to properly monitor and maintain a top ranking is in one package. Not only does it report your rankings on the top search engines, you can analyze your keyword weight and prominence! It will then give you specific tips and recommendations to increase your rankings for EACH search engine. Webposition GOLD is like having your own professional search engine placement service at your beck and call for pennies on the dollar!"

- Rodney File
R.A.D.I.C.A.L Consulting

"Super Product! Hits on our site continue to grow. Each week, since we started using WebPosition, our hits have grown by at least 10%. Fifteen minutes a day with WebPosition makes a big difference. It's really nice that I can select multiple search engines and check all of them at the same time, but when I really want to get serious about moving up within a search engine, I setup a mission just for that engine so I can check it very quickly. "...Fantastic Software!!! I moved from "out of the top 100" to "in the top 20" to "#1" in Infoseek in three days, spending no more than 15 minutes each day."

- Tom Schwarz,
Sunlight Software

Download a FREE Trial of Web Position Gold


Search Engines are the #1 source of website traffic. Most commercial sites are probably losing more in sales every single day than the one-time cost of TopDog.

As I mentioned earlier, TopDog and Web Position Gold are so similar that some may consider them competitors....but not the webmaster who wants to maximize his exposure. He or she will see both of these products as an absolute necessity.

Web Position focuses on increasing your ranking in the top 8-10 popular engines (Excite, Infoseek, AltaVista, HotBot, Lycos, Yahoo, Webcrawler, Magellen, and AOL Netfind.)

TopDog focuses on increasing your ranking in the less popular engines - There are over 180 of them: Go2Net, Google,, Northern Light, Starting-Point, PlanetSearch, and more. Top Dog even helps you increase your rankings for the engines in France, Canada, Latin America, Europe, and Asia!

Here are some of the features of Top Dog...

  • Intelligent Submissions - You set the rules and TopDog follows them!

  • Hands-Free updates

  • Analyzes where you rank in comparison to your competitor (who's ahead of you)

  • Gives your site a score (0-100%) on how well you rank as compared to your competition

  • Plus much more!

Read the Testimonials...

I've been a commercial Web site marketing pro since Mosaic was the hot new browser. For monitoring speed and efficiency and client reporting, Top Dog is quite possibly the slickest marketing tool I've encountered to date. If my time is worth anything, it's already paid for itself. Kudos!
Steve Harrison, Web Merlin Marketing
TopDog is certainly the best, fastest, most efficient, easiest program I have ever used to track website positions. Thank you again for a superb program backed up by prompt and courteous REAL customer support! Webmasters can't go wrong with TopDog!
Luzanne McCullough

Download a FREE Trial