You have been wandering through the beautiful woods of Mossflower for days, traveling with the River Moss to provide you with food and water. As you are walking you can see a band of beasts playing by the bank.An otter comes up to you and says, "Welcome matey, I'm Runn, a common name among me people the otter folk," the otter points to the other creatures,"These are otter holts of the River Moss but I have changed my ways to accept thebeasts who wanna join my li'l band." As you look around you find that there is not much to see.The otter, Runn notices your expression and speaks again. "Yes, I know our numbers are few, but we've decided ta fight the evil of this 'ere land, but also make room for fun and games. If ya like, you c'n join us and stay for as long as yer fancy. If ya got any suggestions or anythin', just tell me With that the otter walks away.
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