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My WLiiA? Page

This is my tribute to the British/American series Whose Line Is It Anyway?. This show started in the UK in the late 80s. It's hosted by Clive Anderson. It first started as a radio show with such British comics like Lenny Henry, Dawn French and Hugh Laurie. Then it came to the British TV. Some of the first contestants were Jimmy Mulville, John Sessions, and Archie Harn (sp?). Then as it got more popular they had people like Tony Slattery, Stephen Fry, Mike McShane, Sandi Toksvig, Paul Merton, Caroline Quentin, Ron West, Josie Lawerence, Chip Esten, Greg Proops, Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie, Peter Cook, and Betty Thomas. Then earlier this year ABC started making an American version of the show hosted by Drew Carey. It stars Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady, and Brad Sherwood. It's currently on ABC @ 9:30pm EST, so please watch it.

My Five Favorite Performers
  1. Stephen Fry
  2. Tony Slattery
  3. Josie Lawerence
  4. Ryan Stiles
  5. Colin Mochrie
This is a thing I made up with Mad Libs I hope you like it.
The Lauries Visit Darien Lake!

One day, while Stephen and Josie were watching Teletubbies on TV, Hugh came home from his TV repair man job and said, "I have an idea! Let's take a trip to the Buffalo Historical Society this Saturday!"

"No!" yelled Stephen and Josie. "We wanna go to Darien Lake instead! Can we, Hugh? Can we please, please, with Hot Fudge on top?" they asked with big, pleading eyes.

"Oh, all right," answered Hugh resignedly.

'Wow, that was easy! What a squirt' thought Josie and Stephen to themselves as they smiled sweetly at Hugh. And as Hugh bent down to accept a grateful kiss from the two wonderful children, they ran back to the TV to watch Teletubbies. Hugh can be nice and generous, but next to Teletubbies, he was dog meat.

Finally the big day came and at the Darien Lake entrance ticket booth, Molly and Hugh were surprised to find that they had to take out a loan at Darian Man's Finance Company to buy tickets for the whole family. But once inside the park, the kids stopped crying. Boy, was it ever crowded!

They got in line at Fire Mountain, and were excited to know that soon they would be zooming along in a ride that lets the riders feel 5 times the crushing G force felt by astronauts lifting off in the Space Shuttle. How funny Hugh and Molly would look as their eyeballs nearly pop out of their sockets!

After only a 2 hour wait in line, it was the Laurie's turn to experience Fire Mountain! Unfortunately, they were told by the uniformed high school kids who work as the carnies that the kids were too small and couldn't ride. As they left Fire Mountain, Stephen and Josie stopped howling long enough to see Hugh make a strange gesture with his knee at the carnies. This was reported to the clean-cut security men wearing blazers, flat tops, and hearing-aid style walkie-talkies who kept an eye on silly old Hugh for the rest of their stay.

The Lauries then rode the Spine Cracker, the Stomach Pumper, the Head Smacker, the Bone Squisher, and even the Criminally Insane Chiropractor!

But even though the kids were bruised, sore, cranky and crying when they left, the very next day they were asking Hugh over and over and over when they could go back to visit their favorite place on earth... Darien Lake!

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Molly Fanton.

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