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Mandi's Groovin' Homepage

Hi everyone! If you didn't know already, my name is Mandi. Welcome to my groovin' page! I hope you have fun chillin' here. This page is mainly gonna be about me and my interests. Oh yeah, and I wanna say hi to ALL of my e-pals out here we go.. Hi to: Jackie, Ashley R., Miranda, Tib, Alex, Lainie, Christine, Dana, Jenn, Katie, Taylor, Ryan, Leslie, Mel, Emily, Keith, Tim, Laura, Kristi, Ashley, Nadia, James, Tim, Ashley J., Jenn, Kelly, Amber, Jessie, Starr, Adam, Sara, Mandy, Chris, Amber, Becky, Justin, Avery, Patrick, Elizabeth, Kim, Lisa, Lindsey, Amanda, Megan, Kyle(I miss you!), Lee, and Lisa!!! I love you guys!! Sorry if I forgot anyone. Well now I'm gonna shut up and let you all have a look/see at my page. Have fun!

My Fave Stuff(foods, places, animals..all that stuff)

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A.D.I.D.A.H. chat
Hansongals97 Homepage
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