Life Begins At 200 MPH

Ruby 1
Ruby 2
Ruby 3
8-4-2016 Livin' in Chillicothe Mo now...more updates coming soon
12-10-05....Been a long time since the last update. Moved back to Missouri and am bouncing off the walls in a house that used to be the "Funeral Home"....hehehe No gutz, no glory....seein' what I can dig up.

6-19-03....Still runnin' all the time. Just got back from 4897m road trip to ChiTown. 26.5mpg for whole trip. Not bad for 185k miles and 10 years old...and 80mph+average...hehehe....Stopped in KC for youngest daughters HS Graduation Party and saw all the folks and all 4 grandsons. Got to look at oldest daughter and hubby's new house they're movin' into. Got to see some old neighbors and school friends. Had a good time chattin'. Got to do some shootin' and fishin' also.
4-26-03....YEEHAW!!! Las Vegas Speedway--Me--650hp Corvette engined CART race car--6 laps--160.43MPH!!! Next time will be MUCH faster now that I've done it once. HEHEHE 200MPH here I come!! Thanks to The Las Vegas Hilton, it was free too.....Amazing what they throw at ya' for only playing a few 1large hands of BlackJack....Just don't tell the wifeypoo....>;}
5-24-02...Ding! On return trip from Chitown for National Restaurant show set new speed average. 1440 miles in 16.5 hours.....87.27MPH!! Very seldom under 95 and usually around 105. Top was 137 for a qwik shot in a state which shall remain nameless.....didn't keep track of gas mileage.
4-13-2002.....As usual, still too busy to get the new domain goin'. Went to France and Germany
last November. Nuthin' like gettin' home to the good ole USA!! Took a 5000 mile road trip to Minnesota in February
in the 'vette. Had to break in a new LT4 cam and 1:6 Roller Rocker Arms. Also put up with -7F actual and -65F wind
chills. And one 12 mile trip at midnight in a raging blizzard with no snow tires and a guy from France who didn't have
a hell of a lot to say on the way to where we were staying. Good thing I had a sloped nose on the 'vette for a snowplow
to cut through the 3 foot kiddin....good thing I learned to drive on a farm in Missouri. Last day of the trip from little brothers' in Springfield Mo to
Phoenix Az was non-stop 16 1/2 hours covering 1370 miles......average speed......83.03MPH....try that in your Ford.....AND
averaged over 24 MPG for the whole trip! I've also updated some of the following sections on this page. Feel free to
peruse on down and check out the new goodies.
9-27-01....This page is severely outdated, but has a lot of goodies in it,
so I'm leaving it pretty much as is. Go to
LifeBeginsAt200MPH for newer info and a lot more ranting.
8-17-01...Goin' to the doc for a rotorooter job on the old heart....time for
another cigarette. Hopefully it's just stress and not heart disease. I'm building a
new soapbox....
7-7-01...Still here. Opening up new territory for the company. gogogogogo.......
10-4-00....Got about 5 minutes, so a little updating....Busy with the j-o-b.
Getting ready to have a whole new site up and running before the end of the year
This poor old page needs some severe updating. New place will be lifebeginsat200mph
.com. Mucho more pics and links. New beastie is an Athlon 700 runnin' at 750.
Can't have it running at stock speed ya' know.....>;O Win 2k Pro, 256mg, 2-20
-3 19 in monitors and 1 17 in monitor. 4 CD changer, CD-RW, 2 way microwave ISP,
5.1 audio, and a whole bunch of other stuff I don't remember since I built it.
Haven't really had time to play with the vette much. Bosch 4+ plugs and K&N filter
is about it. 124k miles and I swear the plugs in it were original.
Quickie trip to Vegas for a convention is about the only road trip I've done.
Only got to tap 132 right quick. Still had rpm's and another gear to go.
I'd guess 160 no problemo with chip and air stuff..
And a roll bar.....
7-10-00....New microwave ISP installed today. This mother hums!! New e-mail
is LOTS of updating and catching up to do.
Win 2K Pro still seems to be acceptable.......>;)

Who Am I?
- I'm a middle-aged boomer who has an insatiable urge for knowledge.
Unfortunately this often leads to a state of general confusion and
diarrhea of the brain. Which results in a greater appetite for more stuff,
which leads to a state of general confusion and diarrhea............
- Some of my past experiences include, born and raised on a farm, loader
operator, dynamite man and driller in open pit and underground
limestone quarrys. Built houses in high school. Graduate of the school of
"hamburgerology". I've also ran main frame IBM 360 and 370 series stuff back in
the late 70's.
Done a lot of nite club and mobile DJ'in. Probably 300 weddings and 200 proms
homecomings all over the midwest. From little parties with 50 people
to night clubs with $250,000 sound and lighting systems that ran 4-5,000 people a
through the door. Built, sold, and rented DJ systems and speakers. Also sold
retail audio gear, alarms, insurance, 'bout everything but cars and
houses. Video producer/director/writer/camera. Even came in 3rd place in
a mayoral election. Set up a city government cable channel.
Customer service on civil aviation avionics installations. Collected and refurbed
John Deere Lawn Tractors. 108's, 110's, 112's, & a 114. 67-74's.
Had 5 at one time once. Partner in a computer store. Domestic engineer. Tournament
Blackjack. Also made a hole in-one. Thanks to the electro-shock treatments......
.I'm mo..r..e.

Hobbies And
- If it's big, fast, loud, antique, unique, or electronic, I'm into it. Among
some of the thing I'm interested in are; Corvettes(I'm on my third), big
caliber handcannons, air rifles, touring motorcycles, computers, monstrous home
audio systems, military weapons and aircraft, trains, large earth
-moving and construction equipment, antique tractors, hand tools, UFOs', space
travel, watches, die-cast metal toy banks, die-cast toys in
general, plastic models, home construction and remodeling, swimming pools, solar
and wind energy generation, auto racing, Three Stooges, old
b/w 42nd St. type movies, Dinosaurs("NOT the momma"), Sci-Fi, and the one true
first superstar..John Wayne,.....I think you get the idea...Al Bundy For President!
Don't Tell Anyone....
Among some of the nuttier things I've done
- Drove a 1961 Impala 4-door to the top of a motorcycle hill climb and couldn't
make it over the top. Coming down backwards and sideways was
no fun at all. Such was the entertainment for 17 year old country kids in 1973.
- Drove a 1979 GoldWing from Holbrook Az to Kansas City Mo in 17 1/2 hrs. 1179
miles. Average nonstop speed 67.4 MPH. Two leaks, two
milks, and at least 10 gas stops. Very seldom below 90 and usually around 105.
Didn't see ONE cop until somewhere in OK about 1:30 in the
morning. Came upon a blind berm at an overpass on the interstate and ta-da, at
LEAST 3 cars and 10 flat-brimmed hats. Hard to tell at 100+ after
14 hrs on the road. Never even backed off the throttle and kept on goin'. They
HAD to have been waiting on someone else or I'd still be in jail.
VERY important lesson in the relationship between average speed and long endurance
- After doing some trick tune-up stuff like playing with throttle position sensor
voltage, removing restrictions from the mass air flow sensor,
working on the air inlet ducting, and a few other tricks, I took my 85 Vette on a
little trip to a nice long lonely interstate west of KC. After making
a preliminary run to check the stretch of road for state employee occupied vehicles
it was time to go. From about 50 in 2nd, I nailed it for as
long I dared (which wasn't very long at all). I would guess total run of a little
over a mile. Foot buried and still accelerating, I backed out, easily
I might add. Definitely one of the MOST intense 30-40 secs. I've ever had. Next
time it will be in a car with a roll bar, safety harness, helmet,
etc., hopefully on a track. After all, 161 is a bit fast for a public road.

Philosophical Stuff
- Taxes are too high. A national sales/flat/limited maximum tax rate should be
instituted. The IRS as we know it would be merely the
bookkeepers of the government. Estate and inheritance taxes are unconstitutional.
The government has NO right to tax death. People have
the right to keep and bear arms. Opportunity is the cause of inequality, not the
race, sex, or religion of the individual. The strong are obligated
to defend the weak. Work fare for the capable, Welfare for the truly needy. More
to come.
My System


I Believe You Saw The Title To This Page!
Over 700 Links To Pages About The Greatest Car In The
World..Trust Me I've Had Two. Can't Wait For The Next One
Car Pricing Guide. Know Before You Buy!
A Page For My Teutonic Toy Lovers
- Ferrari Official Home Page
THE Original Ponycar. Mustang? Must Be A Ford.
Great Pictures And Lots Of Info About One Of The
Worlds' Most Desirable Cars

Technical Science ReferenceType Stuff

The Second Law
Just Plain Neat.
Art Bell An Absolute Must See For Space
Alien UFO Stuff.
Space Telescope Science Institute Hubble
Telescope Page With Lots Of Neat Stuff
NASA Homepage You Can Get Lost For
Hours.......In Space.

Elec Eng Circuit Archives Lots Of
Valuable Info.

To Send Me E-Mail
Click Here
Stuff 4 Sale Auctions & Classifieds
Audio Web A Nice Audio Page With Equipment
For Sale
Auction Web I Check This Out At Least Twice A

Some Stuff I'm Looking For
Depending on the availability of funds, I'm always looking for more toys. Some
of the things I'm interested in acquiring are:Anything and
everything that has to do with Dayton Wright ESL's. XG-10MkII's d/i's, and the
Interface modules. Mark Levinson ML-3 amp, Marantz 500 and
510 Power Amps, Yamaha C-1, C-2 Pre-Amps, Yamaha B-1, B-2 Power Amps, Yamaha T-2
CT-7000 Tuners, Yamaha CR-3020 Receiver,
Yamaha CA-2010 Integrated Amps, SAE Power Amps, 2400/2500/2600's, Magneplanar
Tymphani Speakers, Any, But Hopefully The Great BIG
Ones That Were 3 Sections And 10 Panels, Pioneer RT-707 RTR's, Akai GX-747 RTR's,
Technics SP-15 and SP-10 Turntables, Kenwood
KD-750/850 Turntables, Tru Value Diecast Metal Truck Banks and Airplanes,
ALL TRANSCRIPTORS Turntables, Pioneer CTF-1000 Cassette
Decks, Marantz 2325, 2330, 4400 Receivers, JVC M3030/7050 Power Amps, JVC P3030
Pre Amps, Crown PSA2, SA2 Power Amps, Any Or
All Pioneer SERIES 20 Equipment, Especially the D-23 Crossovers, and PLC-590
Turntables, Luxman PD-121 Turntables, Luxman 5K50 Cassette
deck, Luxman 5T50 Tuner, Luxman RX-103 receiver, Luxman KX-103 cassette deck,
Audio Technologies and Audio Innovations LED Power
Meters, Altec 15 and 18 Cell Horns, Quad ESL's, The Old Ones, Not The 63's,
Hitachi HMA 7500, 8300,8500 Power Amps, Seiko Flight Computer
Watches, Dan Wesson .445 SuperMag Handguns, Kennedy Tool Boxes, Old Stanley Mitre
Box Saws, All Steel, None Of That Plastic Crap, Old
Drafting Tool Sets, Electro-Voice T35, T350, ST350 Tweeters, Altec 288,
291 Drivers, Manufacturers Promotional Model Airplanes, Bulldozers,
Loaders, etc., Navy Blue Ships(?) Binoculars, Great Big Suckers, About A
Foot Long, Cardinal SnapPlus video capture cards, Mobile Handheld
Freq Counter, 500MHz O-Scope, GLI 5990 DJ Mixer, Numark DM-1900 PPD DJ Mixer, Any
Plastic, Die-Cast, or Promotional Model of Either a
1979, 1985, or 1993 40TH Corvette, Plastic Models of Honda Gold Wings, Caterpillar
992 and 994 loaders, Casino Chips and Tokens, Casino
Matchbooks, Night Vision Devices, more to come as I think of it.
Theories, Questions, Rumors. Ya' Ever Heard Of
This Or Am I Nutz?

- I've had three different people who do not know each other tell me about an
underground storage facility at SAC headquarters in Omaha Neb
that is hundreds of feet underground. The President is not even allowed in. It's
used for UFO storage etc. Since this has been up I've had one
guy tell me he was there and never heard of such a thing. ?????
- When I was in grade school (1963-64ish), a friend of mine had a big motorized
battleship that was about four feet long. This thing shot
rockets, cannons, launched airplanes, had a turning radar antenna, just all kinds
of neat stuff. It wasn't meant for water, but it rolled around on
wheels. Anybody else ever have one? Know who made it, how much it was, etc., etc,?
The Fighting Lady is what I have found out about this.
Someone also wrote me and told me about an aircraft carrier of the same size. Had
another guy write and tell me the Aircraft carrier was called
"Mighty Matilda"? May have been Fighting Matilda.
- Along those same lines and timeframe, at ESRY'S IGA grocery store in Hamilton,
Mo. they had a tripod mounted machine gun that actually
rapid fired plastic bullets from a belt. Same stuff. Anybody ever have one, know
what it was, have any pictures etc.?
- Now this one is really nutz. I'd like to have an IBM mainframe computer. 360 or
370 series. I saw a 360/65 for sale once for something like
a coupla' thousand dollars. I didn't think IBM ever sold any mainframes, they just
leased them. I don't know if this was true or not. I have
used/operated 360/35/40/65's and 370/135/138/155(?)/158/168's and think it would
be awesome to have one of these dinosaurs. I actually
had the power supply out of an IBM 370/138 at one time. Weighed about 100 lbs. 40
lbs of it was x-fmr.
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dreams. If ya' don't like 'em....Tough Luck Chuck!!!
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