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Kevin's Home Page

Last updated July 23, 2003 at approximately 12:30pm.

Hi! I'm Kevin and this is my home page. I'm a Lincoln University graduate with a degree in CIS. My interests include computers(of course), sports, trying to overthrow foreign governments, and I'm particularly fond of the letter "T". If you like what you see here and you would like me to build you a web page, drop me a message either on my forum, fill out a feed back form, or drop me an e-mail.

My favorite sports include football, basketball, volleyball, pool, table tennis, and track. I would also like to learn how to play tennis. I have a personal peeve against golf, see my anti-golf page. (still being built, sorry)

Please check back frequently because I often update my pages and sometimes just add new ones. Feel free to e-mail me anything you have that you think should be on one of my pages or any ideas you have for a new page. I might even share the credit with you. But PLEASE if you have any comments about my home page, e-mail me at: or fill out a feedback form.

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