A serenity of spirit cannot be achieved until we become the masters of our own action and attitudes. To let another determine whether we shall be rude or gracious, elated or depressed, is to relinquish control over our own personalities which is ultimately all we possess. The only true possession is self-possession.

They say you can never tell what is in the future. That I believe with each passing day, a little more. What we thought was strong, unbreakable, tends to whither away if it is not nurtured. Paths moving seperate directions, hearts torn apart with growth. ~smiles~
Most of you have known me for a very long time, supported me, comforted me, and encouraged me. I think I am a very lucky girl indeed. This past year has been filled with happiness, love and surprises. I moved to a new city ( the snow here is awful! ), married the man I love, Tom, and now, we are expecting our first child. I am not sure how much more excitement I can take, but it keeps surprising me each moment.
I have been online along time, made many mistakes and learned from each of them. I have experienced great friendships, much love, too much pain at times, and a definate stronger understanding of myself. I have had the pleasure of two D/s relationships online, that I consider to be wonderful. Each teaching me about myself, each different as night and day. Lady Nicole came into my life when I was down, distraught and angry. She made me see that I am worth more than the shell I thought I was. Then along came my Best Friend. Bluehairedgrrrrl. Our relationship was different from any I am sure I will ever experience again. She opened my eyes to a different side of myself, one I still am thankful I can experience daily in my real world. These two Women, for as much as they are different, wanted what was best for me. And as painful as growth can be sometimes, when we ended, we remain close friends. Some bonds cannot be broken, no matter how difficult the decisions are we are faced with.
I will be doing alot of updates here, so please take a peek back.. ~smoochies~

"He who is in love is wise and is becoming wiser, sees newly every time he looks at the object beloved, drawing from it with his eyes and his mind those virtues which it possesses." Ralph Waldo Emerson

~smiles~ i believe that a couple of times during the span of O/our lives, W/we meet a few people ( and i do mean few ) that accept U/us, care for U/us and truely understand U/us. i think that often W/we take that luxury for granted. i have many friends, r/l and online, that know me, but probably couldn't begin to tell Y/you what my dreams, hopes and desires are. then there is the small handful, that knows the complete me. the scared little girl sometimes, and the strong *bully*. the me that i so very rarely allow others to see. not because i am ashamed or frightened, but because that is a friendship that is rare, that is full of trust and respect. i have that friendship with lacey ~chuckles~. she calls me a bully sometimes, and she is right. she also kicks my butt into gear when i need it. without her, this webpage would be a mere thought. she pointed me in the right direction, and never ran, when i asked silly, sometimes repetitive questions. thank you, lacey. i love you like my real sister.

i hope that Y/you enjoy the other pages here. some of my work and my sister cordies. a few songs that make me smile or think.. take a look around and see what interests Y/you. i will be making updates regularly.. so please come back.. and please sign the guest book.. ~smiles and grins~

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thoughtful things
kelees poetry
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kelees favorite songs
cordelias poetry

favorite links
Angelfire-Free Home Pages
castlerealm..the best D/s site on the web
cuffs..great D/s info too
come to the dungeon and take a look around
BDSM Village.. hula and Sir Shamans site..
CM and Lacey's..

Email: little_kelee@hotmail.com