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                                                       INFINITE'S HOME PAGE



                                                                         globe.gif (242622 bytes)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Thoughts of Reality

             This document contains the feelings and views as               presented from a realistic point of view directly from the mindset of master poet INFINITE WISDOM BORN ALLAH                                     


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            Enter this domain at your own risk. For ideas and opinions ex pressed here can be very damaging to the undisciplined mind.The journey that you are about to experience is one that will challenge the mind as well as the heart.

             When introduced to truths and facts that challenge the training and proposed morality of a corrupt and deceitfully cunning society,exposure to such an awaking could cause possible mental breakdown.

             So as you travel down this frightening path of enlightenment, remember that you do so at your own risk. Before we begin arm yourself with courage and strap on your thinking cap. We are going where your mind has never gone before.



                                                 SHALL WE BEGIN


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