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Huna Research, Inc. / 126 Camellia Dr. / Cape Girardeau, MO 63703 - USA

Light-Switch Huna

by Dr. E. Otha Wingo

A Simple System for Using the Huna System Without Theories, History, or Explanations of Special Terminology.
Using Huna is Like Turning on a Light-Switch or Pushing a Button


     This method will work every time 100%, if used exactly as described. 
If the results are not as you desire, this means that some part of the 
procedure has not been followed EXACTLY (i.e., one of the light 
switches has not been pushed!). If this happens, then mentally CANCEL 
the picture that you had previously worked out by saying aloud:

          "I dissolve the mental picture and sweep away any
          remnants that might have accumulated, in order to
          begin again and make the picture perfect. All energy
          attached to that picture is removed and the picture
          now is totally dissolved and removed."

     The reason for this is that a picture left with the Higher Authorities
will continue to be worked on and some parts of it will come into reality, 
thus bringing about imperfect and often undesirable results. Cancel the 
picture (blueprint) and start over, using whatever parts of the previous 
plan are suitable to you and making sure that all the process is done 

Light-Switch Huna

How to Use Huna
     When you want to turn on the light in a room, you reach up and flick
the switch or push the button. Immediately the light comes on and the 
room is illuminated.
     It is not necessary for you to understand how electricity works or how 
the building is wired or where the electrical generating plant is located.
     Even if you were an electrical engineer or physicist, you would still 
turn on the light exactly the same way!
     This little article is designed to show you simply and easily EXACTLY 
how to "turn on the switch" of HUNA, so that you can get the results 
you want.
Preventing Overloaded Circuits
     As in all power circuits, it is a good idea to make sure that the cir-
cuits are clear and not overloaded. In electricity we make sure the 
circuit is correctly fused or with a proper breaker switch. And then we 
are careful not to overload the circuit by plugging a powerful motor into 
an outlet fused for a smaller wattage. And we are also careful not to add 
too many appliances to the same circuit.
     The Huna equivalent of this is FORGIVENESS. Have a little talk with 
yourself. Forgive everyone for whatever has been done to you. Then 
forgive yourself for anything you have done in the past, adding a 
promise that you will do nothing to hurt anyone.
     If you are not fully satisfied with this forgiveness session, assign 
yourself some GOOD DEED to convince yourself that you are serious 
about forgiveness.
Light Switch Number One
1. Decide exactly what you want to accomplish. Be very specific. Stick
   to a single request, including only the things directly involved with
   that result.
2. Make a clear picture in your mind of the RESULTS you want to bring
   about. Make sure to include yourself in the picture, as well as anyone
   else affected by your request.
        Use your imagination to create this mental image. See yourself 
   DOING and ACTING and THINKING the way you will when the
   result has been realized. Allow all the sensations of seeing, hearing
   and touch, taste and smell come fully into your imagination. Add the
   strong emotion of desire.
3. Do not use negatives in any description of your request. Instead of
   saying, "I want to get rid of all tensions and conflicts," say, "I see
   only peace, joy, love, and harmony in all my relationships." Instead
   of, "I want my illness to be healed," say, "I see myself completely
   healthy, vigorous, and strong in body, mind, and spirit."
4. Be sure your request is not hurtful to anyone, including yourself.
5. When you are completely satisfied that you have prepared exactly 
   the picture of the results you want, mentally seal the "blueprint" or
   picture, so that it will not be changed . Here is the way to do that: "I
   am completely satisfied with this mental picture of my request. I now
   seal it with a protective covering so that it will stay exactly as it is
   now and cannot be accidentally changed or damaged."
6. Go to Light Switch Number Two.
Light Switch Number Two
1. Find a quiet place where you can be alone and undisturbed for a few
   minutes-- 5 or 10 minutes is sufficient.
        If you are at home, you may want to use a special place each day.
   If there is much activity at home, use any place that provides privacy.
        In a busy office, business, or factory, you may want to take your
   "break" wherever you can find a quiet spot-- in a storeroom or maybe
   the washroom.
        In a busy public place, slip into a washroom or even a telephone
   booth. (You can become "superman" or "superwoman" by using
   Huna, so why not a phone booth?)
2. Sit comfortably in your quiet place. (If it is necessary to stand, get as
   comfortable as you can by leaning against a wall or stand with feet
   and heels slightly out.)
3. Take a very deep, slow breath, hold it briefly, and let it out slowly.
   Say these words aloud:
        "I am relaxing in my entire body, mind, and spirit. With
        each breath I take, I feel more relaxed and comfortable,
        and mentally alert."
4. Take another deep breath, as before, and let it out. Say, "As I take
   these breaths, my energy is increasing tremendously. My body is re-
   laxed and I feel good all over. My mind is clear and alert and I am 
   focusing only on deep breathing and increasing my energy supply."
5. Take a few more deep breaths and let your breathing become 
   smooth and regular, but still slower and deeper than usual. Let it be-
   come natural to breathe in this way. Keep your mind only on the
   thought that your energy is increasing as you breathe.
6. Say clearly aloud, "I now see a clear picture of what I desire, just as I
   have prepared it previously."
7. "I now ask my inner consciousness to send this picture to the Higher
   Consciousness along with a generous supply of energy, to be brought
   into reality."
8. "I give thanks that the desired future has been immediately realized
   on the higher level and will come into reality on the physical level."
9. "The prayer takes its flight to the High Self. Let the higher energy 
   from the High Self descend upon me. Let silence prevail, as I wait
   for Guidance from above."
Light Switch Number Three
1. Once you have presented your mental picture, along with a generous 
   supply of energy, to the Higher Authorities, the next step is to LEAVE
        You must release it. It is like a seed. Once you plant the seed, you
   do not dig it up every day to see if it is growing. But you must still 
   water the ground, which is the replenishing of the daily supply of 
2. Every day after the first presentation, turn on the fourth switch. It is 
   like the first five parts of Number Two, then continue with energizing
   the "blueprint" or "seed:" every day.
Light Switch Number Four
1. Find a quiet place where you can be alone and undisturbed for a few
   minutes-- 5 or 10 minutes is sufficient.
2. Sit comfortably in your quiet place. (If it is necessary to stand, get as
   comfortable as you can by leaning against a wall or stand with feet
   and heels slightly out.)
3. Take a very deep, slow breath, hold it briefly, and let it out slowly.
   Say these words aloud:
        "I am relaxing in my entire body, mind, and spirit. With
        each breath I take, I feel more relaxed and comfortable,
        and mentally alert."
4. Take another deep breath, as before, and let it out. Say, "As I take
    these breaths, my energy is increasing tremendously. My body is re-
    laxed and I feel good all over. My mind is clear and alert and I am 
    focusing only on deep breathing and increasing my energy supply."
5. Take a few more deep breaths and let your breathing become 
    smooth and regular, but still slower and deeper than usual. Let it be-
    come natural to breathe in this way. Keep your mind only on the
    thought that your energy is increasing as you breathe.
6. Say clearly aloud, "I now send to the High Self a generous gift of 
    energy, to be used in bringing my request into reality on the physical
    level. Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better."
Hints and Suggestions
1.  "Huna is All Powerful in this World."
2.  If you are not using Huna, you are working too hard.
3.  If you are using Huna, you are still working, but you are getting 
4.  Including help for someone else is a good aid for faster and greater 
    results for yourself.
6.  Huna means "secret," but you now know the secret of getting what 
    you need and desire.
7.  Very strong desire for the requested results increases the energy tre-
    mendously. If you are casual and uninterested in getting the results, 
    they are less likely to be realized.
8.  Be careful what you ask for, you may get it. Since this method is 
    very effective, it is important to decide very carefully what you want 
    before using it.
9.  Your IMAGINATION is one of your most powerful tools.
10. Daily energizing is very important. You must use a SURCHARGE of
    energy, not your normal supply of energy, to get results.
11. When doing the deep breathing for energizing it may help to do a lot 
    of imagining. For example, imagine that you are getting ready to run
    a race. Take a stance as if you were about to start running. In this
    position, energize yourself by the breathing technique and mental
12. If you have difficulty visualizing (making a mental picture), you can 
    simply describe the desired result in words, adding as many other
    sensory impressions as are natural to you and to the request. This
    description can be sealed for protection, when completed, just as 
    the visual picture can be.
13. If you tend to prefer an auditory reinforcement of your "blueprint,"
    use a tape recorder to record the description and play it back as 
    you energize.
14. In relationship problems it is often necessary to dissolve the inner 
    connections you have with another person. This may be true if there
    has been a conflict or separation, when it is desirable to end the re-
    lationship. It may also be necessary in a broken relationship that you
    wish to re-establish! By "cutting the cords" that bind you together,
    you get rid of disruptive conflicts, allowing the establishment of new
    and clear connections.
15. It is important to establish a friendly partnership with your inner self
     Consider your inner consciousness as a skilled worker who needs
     the talents you, the conscious mind, have and has other skills and
     talents that you lack. Together you make a perfect partnership. 
     When you then join forces with your Higher Consciousness of High 
     Self, you have the perfect triangle or trinity-- a team that can accom-
     plish anything you decide upon and work toward.
16. If you have any difficulty in clearing your mind of the distractions of
     daily life when you are in your quiet place, sit for a few seconds with
     your fingertips lightly touching. This will automatically balance your
17. Praise and Thanks. Just as you would express thanks and praise to
     a friend who assists you in completing a project, it is important to
     speak words of praise to your inner self and your High Self for the 
     help they have given you.
18. Even though the Light Switch method is done in a private, quiet 
     place, once you have established the procedure as a habit, you can
     do a quick version at any time, anywhere, just by a brief pause as 
     you form the picture and send it with energy to the High Self. This is
     especially useful for a picture which you have previously prepared
     carefully, and also for small things that do not require extensive pre-
     paration, such as getting a parking place or finding misplaced 
19. You have a perfect memory! In order to have perfect recall any time
     you want it, get in very friendly terms with your inner self. That is
     the part of you which has the perfect memory.
Everyday Huna
     Some of the "little" things of everyday life in which Huna techniques 
can be used:

1. Finding a parking place.
2. Finding misplaced or lost objects.
3. Getting green traffic lights and smooth traffic flow as you drive.
4. Recalling things such as grocery lists and telephone numbers.
5. Using hunches to prompt you to go a different route or stop off at a
   certain store where you will find what you've been looking for, what 
   you need, or something that interests you.
                                                 --Dr. E. Otha Wingo
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Huna Research, Inc. / 126 Camellia Dr. / Cape Girardeau, MO 63703 - USA
     The Huna Fellowship was founded by Max Freedom Long in 1945.
     Huna (tm) is an internationally registered trademark of Huna 
Research, Inc., the organization which coordinates the teaching, 
research, and practice of this ancient system recovered during over fifty 
years of research by Max Freedom Long (1890-1971) from the ancient 
traditions of Hawaii.
     The Huna Way of Life contains elements of philosophy, psychology,
and religion, offering practical, easy-to-learn methods of personal goal
attainment and spiritual growth.
     This not-for-profit organization is supported entirely by annual dues
(US$35 per year) and other donations, all of which are tax-exempt under
Section 501(c)(3) of IRS Code.
     Huna is a gift. The President, the members of the Board of Directors,
and Seminar/Workshop teachers WORK ON A VOLUNTARY BASIS
ONLY. All revenue generated from donations, courses, goes to the
support of HUNA. Your financial support is earnestly solicited and
greatly appreciated.
     Huna Research has only one salaried employee to carry out general
office duties.
     Huna does NOT demand that you give up any belief or religious
affiliation that is consistent with your own personal experience. Member-
ship is open to any interested person.                   Aloha nui loa.