Chapter nine

"So mom, what do you think? Would it be alright?"

Isaac had some how convinced their mother to at least listen to them explain the 'Who's What' show. Isaac wanted to see them. It would be a change, they didn't see many new groups, and especially ones that were made of family, and or children. Teenagers at least. She had agreed, to breifly listen as she picked up the living room the next morning. Isaac stood by a chair, following her every movement and explaining it all to her.

"I don't know honey, I mean, it's in kind of a bad end of town. I'm not so sure I want you guys down there."

"But mom!! We need to see what kind of people we might be up against. I mean, if they actually have potential, it will be something to look into. Don't you think? Plus, I want to see a show for once, not be in it."

Even though it had to be hard to accomplish, Isaac twisted up the sadest, most childish face he could. His mother stopped what she was doing and glared.

"Isaac, what about Zac and Taylor? What are they going to do? Do you even know the age limits on this place?"

"Ok mom, Zac might not be able to go, but if we pay enough! And Tay can pass as 16, he almost is!"

"You are NOT going to do it deviously. Understood Mister."

Isaac smiled.

"Of course not mom! I love you!"

At that Isaac dashed up the stairs and threw the door to his room open. Taylor and Zac were sitting on the floor, playing a game of some sort.

"We're goin' to a show."

Zac looked up.

"Dude, Ike, you are da bomb babe!"

Isaac walked to the bed. It was now Sunday. He thought they would have fun. He knew they would. Although the observation of some one near like them might be a little awkward, he could survive.

The week went by slowly for the eldest hanson brothers. Sunday, they spent the morning with their parents and family, and then went out and hung with friends. Their mom had already told them they could go to the show. Zac was the most excited. Taylor seemed somewhat happy about going to one instead of being in one, and Isaac was some how very interested.

During the week, there had been really nothing to do. They had indeed been working on the new album. Their live album had not sold nearly as many copies as suspected, and it seemed to them their fans were getting tired of them. Much like any infatuation, it gets old. Although there were still the fans who would stick with them til the end, the ones who loved their music for what it was, not for who was singing it. They would be constant supporters. Always there no matter what. Unless of course they started looking like Marylin Manson in a biquini. That was a little too far. Their music had been going well. They spent much of the week just writting songs, playing with their instruments, giving their voices a brief work out once a day. Their friends went to school during the week, so they hung with eachother. Not a bad thing to do.

As the week neared the weekend though, even Taylor was restless. He too, had grown quietly curious. It almost seemed as if this name, this band was familiar to him, like he had heard of them, or heard them before. He would find out on Saturday, he assured himself repeatedly. Isaac had gotten passes for the club, it had taken a great deal of persuasion and money so that they would allow Zac in. Ok, so it wasn't the most practicall way to get him in, but it worked.

Friday night the phone calls rolled in. The people they had told about "who's what's' performance had talked to their parents, called the club, and payed for passes. As it stood now, There were about 15 going, and some of their friends had not called back yet. The club was said to house about 500 people, a very large stucture. Several rooms, and had a reputation as being very clique favoring. It was about fashion and popularity. Bands that often frequented there were usually well known throughout the city of Tulsa, some better than others. Although, they tried to consentrate on more grunge rock and alternative, there was some pop, and light rock.

"I've already picked out what I'm wearing. Ike, I'm so excited!"

One of Isaac's friends had called him. Confirming his position at the club. Most of their friends had been so happy to go, like this was a once in a lifetime thing. They spent hours on the phone to eachother all week, deciding what to wear. I mean, Hello, what if one of these, 12 to 17 year old band members had a look going for them? They had to look completely good!

"I can't believe you guys! I mean, I don't even care what I wear anymore."

His friend let out a big sigh and then giggled.

"Well darnit Ike, you should!"

Isaac laughed.

"So who's going to pick up who, and so on? I mean, is this going to be, a 'just meet me there' thing. Or are we going organized?"

Isaac thought for a moment. He figured it was going to be kinda hard to get everyone there, in the same car, ha, absolutly not, it would be like sardines, literally.

"I spose we could just do a carpool kind of thing. Get about 5 cars, and use those to stuff people in. It shouldn't be too hard."

"Sounds good. Hey Ike, I gotta go, my mom needs to use the phone, but I'll see ya tommorow, at the club. Ok!"

"Sure, see ya later."

They both hung up the phone. Isaac sat in the chair at the table. Doodling with a pencil and a piece of scratch paper till he was bored. All the younger kids were asleep, and so were his parents. Zac and Tay were probably upstairs, either talking or reading. Something like that. Isaac stood up from his seat. Pushing in his chair, he slowly made his way to the stairs.

Okay, maybe the whole reason he wanted to go see this group was jealousy. Isaac was thinking hard. Maybe he knew that the fans they once had had based it on a crush, or their looks. Not really on their music. Anyone and everyone that knew the music industry was thinking the same thing. It was completely visable too. Their record sales were dropping, people were'nt as interested, maybe they just needed to release this new album. Who knew? Isaac thought to himself how, if this band was good enough, they could out do hanson, make more sales, even take their fans.


He said it aloud, quietly, yet still aloud. He couldn't say anyone could take their fans. Taste changed, and with that, they could have fans that moved on to a different sound. But wouldn't it be ironic if this new sound was these kids?

Isaac sighed.

Climbing the stairs, he heard Zac and Taylor talking quietly. He opened the door and saw them sitting on the floor, playing scrable.

"Hey guys."

They didn't respond to him. Normal. It was just a hey. He walked over to his bed, pulled of his shoes and sat down.

"So what do you guys think?"

"What do we think? I didn't know there was a specified area of topic that we had to think on, so wouldn't it take forever to actually tell you what we think."

Isaac smiled to himself. Zac was one big bag of weirdness.

"Zac, I think what he meant was what we think about tommorow."

Zac looked at Taylor. His eyes grew wide, his mouth dropped open, he gasped.

"OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH! Ok! I get it!! Yeah, okay, wow, that does make sense! I think Ike is nervous."

The room went silent.

"Ike is nervous that they are going to be better than us, and they are going to reach the top of the charts, and kick at us with cletes. That's what I think."

Isaac's eyes grew large, his eybrows scrunched up into one giant one, and he started shaking his head.

"Uh Zac, no, I actually don't."

"Yo, man, Ike, Zac does have a point, I mean, you've been talking to all our friends about how excited you are, and yet, you walk around the house with a constipated look."

His brothers had a good point. I guess with all of the conversation, he had kind of let the body language prove everything.

"I'm not really that worried guys, I mean.."

Taylor shook his head, he had a big smile plastered on his face.

"Man, Ike, don't deny it! You're so worried you can't sit still."

"I'm not really guys. Really. I have nothing to worry about. Do I?"

"Actually man, you do." Zac started with his professional talk. "They could be ten times better 'en us, but that's ok. Cause we made it this far right? So if we keep doin' what we were doin', then we have to stay in it. You don't have to worry. It'll be fine."

They had him pinned. Nope, he was a little more than worried. He guessed they couldn't be wrong though, they had indeed made it this far, they wouldn't leave just like that. It was their career too. Anyway, who was to say that those other kids were going to even go to that Denver thing, who said they would make it big. Isaac had nothing to worry about, yet.

They arrived in the parking lot of Benks and they grouped up in a corner.

"Everyone here?"

Everyone who had called was there, right on time. They would have to wait now, they would have to wait until the doors opened. No biggie.

"These guys are awesome."

Everyone turned to Kevin. He was one of their friends they had met a couple years back, their mom and his mom were good friends.

"Woah woah woah, what do you mean, 'these guys are good.'?"

Taylor was standing in front of him, glaring at him with so much curiousity it looked as though he would burst.

"Well, I mean, I've seen them before, they're good."

"You've seen them before. Why didn't you tell us that?"

"Tay, dude, you're paranoid. Don't worry. They're good. I mean, their style is so cool. Nothing like you guys, they are more like, Oh, say alternative mixed with pop. It's awesome, you'll like it."

Taylor looked a little angry. He too had had an anxiety problem over this thing, and all it would take was Kevin to speak up and say he'd seen them, and they were nothing like the hansons.

"Yeah, my friends little brother goes to school with the 12 year old. He's seen them a ton of times. He took me once or twice."

Everyone let out a big sigh. Thank the lord. Now, to wait without the anxiety. Cool.

The minutes clicked away. They had a half hour until the doors even opened, then another half hour til they heard music. They nervousness was mostly gone, a little left. They would be cool though, they would now have fun from the begining. No thanks to Kevin.

Chapter 10
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