Chapter fifty nine

Mercy picked up the bag sitting by the clerk's desk.

"You are a hoot to shop with."

Diana looked at Mercy and smiled.

"I must say, the feelings mutual."

The two women laughed cheerily and stepped from the shop.

"Where to now?"

Mercy pointed to a clothing shop just down the aisle.

"Looks like a good a place as any."

Diana took one of the bags from here as she slowly made her way to the next store. Being 7 months pregnant with twins was sort of a burden.

"I think I've bought enough things for my whole family."

Diana laughed loudly.

"You deserve it! Just take it easy. Don't let those kids come for at least another month and a half."

Mercy rolled her eyes.

"Oh please come before that!!"

"Zac! Damnit! We release tomorrow!"

Zac continued popping crackers into his mouth.

"Put those away now!!"

He didn't cease, but crunched more noisily.

Dorin growled angrily and walked to the front window.

They had finally finished the album, despite the slacking of almost everyone in the family, and the obvious of the baby growing issue. Their last video had been graphics and only graphics. Including very little footage of Mercy, for the sheer reasons that one, they started in the morning, and Mercy's stomach didn't handle the morning too well anymore. Two, by the time they actually started up, according to her, it was time to eat again, and three, her size was quite large, amazing in fact that Mercy, at 6 months pregnant was that large.

Zac continued eating his crackers and intentionally ignoring his older brother.

"We have things to do! Josh to talk to! Get up and get in the car!"

Zac may have blinked once, but if he had he hadn't meant to.

"Damn you!"

Dorin turned around and walked to the front door.


The sound of his brother descending the stairs was enough to scare a couple elephants.


"Lets go. And tell Zac to get off his ass and come with."

"Where's Mey?"

Dorin sighed.

"At the mall."

Jeremy smiled.

Looking down at his little brother, he frowned.

"Zac. Stop being a prick. Get up."

Closing up the box of crackers he stood, shrugged his shoulders and walked to the car.

Dorin curled his lip at his youngest sibling and scowled.

Zac had gone on for the past summer ignoring his brother and doing everything to piss him off. And it worked. His lack of respect had gotten so that he would disobey Dorin in anyway possible, including in public and in front of friends.

Dorin was used to it though. He and Zac's relationship as brothers had deteriorated somewhat as the year had moved on, leaving them as merely acquaintances and finally almost strangers. No one listened to a stranger. Dorin thought maybe it had something to do with Zac Hanson, although, somehow he couldn't quite see that. Other then the fact Zac Hanson had gone for almost 7 months without speaking to Isaac, Dorin didn't think his little brother would mimic that. Apparently he had…or something.

Watching as Zac walked past him and down the walk to the car somewhat irritated him. He'd have to live though. No sense in giving in.

Closing the door behind him, Dorin shrugged.

Taylor rewound the tape once more.

"Would you stop doing that!"

"Sorry. Can't help it."

Pushing the play button he turned up the volume."

"You guys are so big now! All grown up and making music!"

Taylor had blushed.

"So how are things in the world of Hanson?"

Zac had leaned back, staring out at the audience in some sort of fixed gaze, not foccused, just waiting for this to be over.

"Tiring. Stressful. Music wise maybe a little slow."

Rosie laughed amused, and played with the cards on her desk.

"I see you still have your collection of fans."

Isaac sat down next to Taylor on the sofa as an eruption of screams came from the audience.

Isaac had chuckled, uneasily of course only because that would have been where Zac spoke up. Only this time Zac remained silent.

"You guys are planning on something big though right? To sort of, remind everyone you guys are great."

She smiled, drumming lightly on her desk with her fingers.

Taylor nodded.

"It's been a long year."

"Well are you guys going to sing for us later?"

Another scream.

Taylor looked out at the audience and opened his arms, clapping his hands together.


The crowd of girls screamed again, getting a not so obvious glare from Zac.

There was a pause as Rosie turned to him.

"So what's up over there with the drummer? I remember a very talkative 12 year old."

Zac turned to the smiling woman, a slight grin spread across his face.

"Not so talkative I guess anymore."

Isaac squirmed as his brother looked at him before sitting back.

Taylor caught both of their expressions clearly now that he was watching instead of participating.

"What was that Ike?"

Taylor paused the video and turned to his brother.


"Yeah right. You say I'm squeamish around him."

"You are."

"What was that then?"

Taylor looked back at the screen, pushing the play button once more.

"So boys. Girl friends, any of you?"

Taylor grinned. She was like a kid asking for a free piece of candy.

"Mey of course."

She smiled excitedly.

"You two have been around for quite some time."

Taylor nodded, both on the video and on the sofa.

"You have future plans maybe?"

Taylor sighed and stretched his legs.

"Actually yeah, kinda."

Isaac looked over at Rosie, a smile grin curling up from the corners of his mouth.

"What's kinda?"

Rosie looked questioningly yet still innocently at her 18 year old guest.

"Well, we sort of have stuff going on."

Isaac chuckled on the sofa beside Taylor. He watched as his little brother stuttered over how to explain a baby.

Rosie looked sort of confused, but her eyes remained fixed on him.


Taylor half smiled half blushed.

"Mey is real real pregnant."

Rosie's eyes lit up.

"Really!! Your not just joking around are you?"

Taylor couldn't help but watch the look on her face a second third and seventeenth time.

"Not joking."

She wiggled around in her chair a little and smiled, beaming more then Taylor had ever seen.

"That's so great!"

Taylor watched as Rosie went on and chatted about babies and music. Looking briefly across the screen at his younger brother.

Zac sat looking at the floor in front of him, one foot propped up on the chair and his fingers drumming out some un-known tune on his thigh.

"What's his problem."

Taylor hadn't meant to say it outloud, but had.

"Good question Tay. I think we've been discussing that for…almost a year now haven't we?"

Taylor looked over at his brother.

"We gotta do something."

"You act like you just realized he was blowing us off. He even blew off Rosie and he LIKES her."

Taylor gazed toward the screen.

"I didn't know it was this bad though."

Isaac stood up.

"That's cause you were trying hard not to notice."

Mercy walked in the door, waddle was more like it.

Diana rushed in front of her and grabbed every bag from her, placing them on the floor by the couch.

"You rest easy hon, don't strain yourself."

Mercy laughed.

"Diana I'm not going to kill myself walking in the front door."

She looked at Mercy, pointing a finger at her and tapping a foot.

"I remember when I had ONE in me and I couldn't get through the door. Don't you tell me you can't."

Mercy smiled then waddled to the sofa.

"Well I appreciate you taking me out today Diana."

The mother, soon to be grandmother walked to the curtains, pulling them shut and patting them smooth.

"Of course! I had a great time, and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

Mercy smiled to herself and spread out on the sofa.

"These kids are going to be the death of me I swear."

The two women chuckled as Diana walked to the front door.

"Are you leaving already?"

Diana frowned and nodded.

"I have a few kids at home that eat a lot, and whine if someone doesn't cook their food for them."

They smiled peacfully back at eachother.

"Well thanks again for today. I had a ton of fun."

Diana opened the door.

"You call if anything happens! And if you need anything, you feel free to ring me up alright?"

Mercy smiled again.

"Yes Diana."

"Shouldn't you be home with Mercy. She needs you right now I think. Oh yes, I hear her calling your name."

Isaac picked up several glasses and bowls that lay scattered on his coffee table, waving a hand in front of Taylor.

"You can't live here you know, this is my place. Myyyy place. If you want a place, you and Mey work it out. My social life is lagging because of you Tay."

Taylor waved his brother away as Lucy paraded on stage.

"Come on Tay! Angie is supposed to be here in like…holy shit! Like ten minutes! You have to go home now!!"

Taylor ignored his brother once more and a smile broke out on his face as Ricki waltzed through the door.

Walking to the television Isaac stood in front of it, waving once more at Taylor.

"Hello, earth to Taylor, what are you going to tell your kids? That you spent the last two months of their life inside eating peanuts and watching I love Lucy?"

Taylor rolled his eyes.

"Come on Ike! Your right in the way."

Isaac reached down and switched it off.

"Taylor stand up!"

Slowly Taylor stood, looking rather irritated as he did so.

"Go home. If not there go see Mey. But you can't stay here anymore like this. Look at the mess in here! She's going to be here in 5 minutes and look at this mess!"

Taylor rested a hand on Isaac's head.

"Ikey-pooh, you guys know eachother well enough that you don't HAVE to clean eachtime you visit. Why are you doing it now?"

Isaac frowned at his brother and pushed him to the door.

Picking up his jacket for him, he opened the door, lightly pushing Taylor out.

"Way to be a brother Ike!!"

The door was about to close when it popped open again. Isaac had spotted Angie walking up the sidewalk.

"Hey Taylor."

Taylor smiled pathetically at his brother's girlfriend and tipped his pretend hat.

"Evenin' Angie."

She smiled and proceeded up the steps.

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