Acclaim to Michael Jordan
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Last update-- 11-11-99

Contents (click around)

Jordan Picture Gallery Career Highlights
Nike Jordan Home page Bulls Schedule
Bulls Updates and News (So what if they suck?) NBA Central Division Standings (sure)

  • As you can tell, not much is new, I am moving extremely slow. Web design has changed so much in the last few years I am learning how to make this page better, it may take a while. Thanks for visiting.
  • Soon to come- lots MORE pictures, better graphics, more useful sports links, and a place for YOU the viewer of the page to add your comments on a new guestbook, so I can get to know who visits my page so often.
  • Feel free to email me with any questions comments or suggestions.
  • Don't forget to check out some of my other pages as well.

    Jordan Picture Gallery
    Click on the picture below to visit the gallery


    This is CBS's Sports Site, you gotta check it out. Take a look.
    Click Here to Visit Our Sponsor
    Get Sponsored

    Nike's Jordan home page!
    This is THE place for the Jordan fan, it has everything. It is Nike's Jordan page and is definetly worth a click. You can see the new Jordans, the new clothing, and everything about the corporation of Jordan.
    Check it out!



    Bulls Schedule

    Click here for the full up to date Bulls Schedule


    Central Division Standings Click here!

    Join MJ FAN's Michael Jordan Ring
    This MJ FAN's Michael Jordan ring site is owned by Geoff Engelmeyer.
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    Want to join the ring? Get the info.
    Next Site

    Links to other Jordan Sites worth mentioning Bulls Page
    A true god of basketball
    Like Jordan Cologne? Smell it here!
    More to come


    Links to My Other Pages

    Any Comments or ideas, let me know!