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*~Megan's Page*~

It's dedicated to all my friends!!

Hey everybody! First off, thanks for comin'!!! I hope you like it!!! My name is Megan Banks! I'm 5'2". I have deep blue eyes and brown shoulder length hair. I have a great sense of humor and a nice smile. I live in Neosho, Missouri! I'm an only child. My favorite hobby is playin' softball! I love chattin' with new people all over the place. I like makin' new friends, you can never have enough! Everyone tells me that I am really funny, a natural comedian, ha ha!!! I love horror and comedy flicks, they are the coolest! I love all kinds of music!! Thats just a few thangs about lil' ol' me! Thanks for comin'! Later everybody! *~Megan Michelle~*

*My Bestest Friends*

Amy-She's just soo great!! We get along really well!! She saved me from Lauren, the Hoe!!! We have soo much fun together. I swear I either talk to her or see her every day!!! She drives like a bat outta hell but other than that she's awesome!!

Greg-OH MY GOSH!!!! He's sooo great! The light of my life right now!! Actually I think he will always be!! He's just soo great!! I can't wait till next summer when I getta see him!!! And spend alotta time w/ him!!! I'm really excited...and you never know...something might happen!! Keep your fingers crossed!! ;) And Baby, I'm soo sorry about this last summer....we've talked about it too!!! I am....soooo sorry!!! I love you w/ all my heart and you know that!!

Chad-He's soooo cool!!! He's the funnest guy I've ever met I think!!! He's a great guy and he just turned 16!! Have fun sexy pants!! We've became really close in the few months that we've known each other. And he doesnt live very far away!! Maybe one of these days I'll go see him!!!

Jared- What can I say?? We've been through alot together. We're staying pretty good friends through everything thats happened. And hopefully we will for a long time! He's my best guy friend even though he's crazy!! He THINKS he's the Stone Cold Pimp of the Nation! But he's a guy so what else would he think!! He's also a A.B.A~American Bad Ass!!!

Ryne- He's a sweetheart and a hottie! He's just so fun to talk to. To bad he lives in Indiana. We're sooo close now that we met!!!! I love him soo much!! We're gonna get married some day too!! Maybe not now....we broke up. But I still love him to pieces!

Maggie- If you ever need to get cheered up, go to her!! She will get you in better spirits. She is a goof ball too! And very unique! I think her hair is Pink now!!

My momma- She's the greatest thing ever to me and I don't know what I would do without her! She's my bestest friend in the whole wide world!!

Daniel- He's a cool guy, one of my best guy friends, we can sit and talk for hours at a time!! I know I can trust him with what I tell him!

Shawn- He's another one of those sweet guys!! We give each other a hard time all the time!! It's a blast!! He makes me laugh alot!!

Brian B.-He's such a sweet guy!!! He's an awesome friend too!! He really needs a girlfriend too so any of you single gals try to hook it up w/ him!!

To everyone else that are my really good friends which are~~Traci*Monica*Leryan*Tonya*Preston*Amanda B.*Baker*Gregan*Red*Amanda P.*Jacque*Steph*Chelsea J.*Chelsea K.*all the peeps from IN~~Greg*Jeremy M.*Tyler*Hog*Chris*Brayton*Matt*Chris V.*then there's *Amanda B.*Baker*Bonx*Amy B.*Melissa M.*Ross R.*Hollie S.*

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**Thangs I like to do!**

Talk on the net

Sleep a lot


Cruise Main

Go Dancin'

DiScLaImEr: This website was created by Megan Banks and was last on May 9, 2003. Anyone that wants to copy this website, go ahead....its not very good anyways!!! But just email and tell me you're gonna do it!! Thanks for visiting!!

~*Megan's Page*~ 2003