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I call this EARTH'S ON FIRE

Some where in Portland, Oregon there lays a blanket of corruption. The time is 11:15 p.m. on this cruel Friday night in 1998. The sky closes up. The dark clouds form a circle, complete. A dark atmosphere appears in the center. A frightening sound of agony and hate comes from the darkness inside. People ignore the sounds, and pretend that it is just a roaring thunder, not wanting to believe that their are additional souls. The clouds drop taking away light. The fog rolls across the black sculptures in the field. Lightning flashes and the city is lit for one last second. Sintra bursts open the doors of the cathedral without a touch of manual strength. Three heads rise from the top of the left corner bench. He drifts across the center aisle gracefully like a crow that soars throughout the night. “ Greetings my child,” Sintra speaks softly. “ The children of silence have expanded my sire,” spoken Carma. Carma nods at Jezebel. Jezebel rises with blood dripping from punctured wounds of her neck. Her face pale, with eyes glowing baby blue as she glances at the others and lightly bows to Sintra. Her long black silky hair sets itself along her shoulders, while her two strands of blue braided hair lay along the wounds absorbing the vital fluid of life. The third, Yresim stands and moves into the aisle, saying, “ Thy heart is filled with lust for the spirit that awaits our open arms to our society”. They walk to the exit of the cathedral. Six unrighteous souls wearing dark diabolical apparel arrive at the temple on six black stallions, and following is four more stallions. Sintra climbs upon the equine animal. His cloak hangs down to the shoulders of the horse. They gallop off into the darkness, headed for Widlers Edge Memorial. A full bloody moon overlays a plasma tint to the city. The humidity is high and sweat pours off the citizens as the temperature rises. The enchanting sky has turned into a grotesque upper atmosphere. It is an evening to set a fire the holy grip that God has on the public. Sintra’s pale face emerges from darkness, exposed by coal-black candles. The others appear one by one as each lights their own. Natas’s eyes glow like a wolfs at dusk surrounded by the woodlands. They each go to their point on the symbol where two lines meet. Each sets up the ritual black candles, which are six hundred sixty-six total. The clan forms the upside down star inside a circle with perfection. Their bodies half shadowed from the light of the pentagram, exposing only the face and hands. Slowly they begin to chant, which is the ancient language from Satan’s palace, asking to be invoked. Being surrounded by thousands of the deceased, they are being watched carefully. Jezebel lightly looks up at the full gory moon. Her arms covered with black fishnet gloves flow through the air to the rhythm of the chants. She collapses to the ground, with her knee high boot gently falling sideways. Others drop to their knees of feeling the ecstasy of Satan’s wrath. Ten billion stars sparkle so bright, then all hell breaks loose turning out the lights. The midnight masquerade on 8th avenue falls apart. People run and scream, tortured by fright. The ten souls are released from their pale, weak bodies. They rise above the graves, and ascent above the city. Down below, it is what hell shall show. Demons are released out of the flaming wicks, from the black velvety wax, all six hundred sixty-six. His army has finally arrived. The soldiers settled in the avenues. It seems to be an illusion, but it is all for real. Sinful voices are heard, and the crowd stirred. Ethan slowly descends from the thundering clouds. He drops with the right knee slightly raised. With the large ruby velvet cape wrinkling, and spreading out he lands on the steamy pavement. He is filled with anger. Which he gained by being raped, and shot by a minister when he was in the world we live in today. A young woman appears before him. Her appearance expresses horror that only a God can describe. Shaking while running backwards, she quickly turns around and runs forward. The poor soul trips from the gutter which she could not see. Ethan looks down on her, grinning. His silver nails, which are made of the bullets that he put him to death, slashed her across the chest. The intestines drip out the wounds, as she still is being in a living state. Sanguine fluid rushes out of her flesh. She can’t scream. Her mouth is filled, and is now pouring out blood. Leaning on the light pole, her body is left to gradually die. Ethan and many other hell’s angels spread throughout the streets trying to torment and slaughter the society. God arrives at the scene. His wavy, and silky gold robe covers his physique as he steps into our atmosphere. Twelve hundred holy angels follow behind, being revealed as a unified army from Elysian fields. Trumpets sing and church bells ring, as the christians’ creator comes to protect their cradle of humanity. Now appearing to them what is shown, Satan lies below on his mighty thrown. A maroon carpet rolls slowly down Front avenue. A hundred of the underworld’s stallions move at a steady pace along the strip. At the end, an antique carriage with bronze trimmings, carries the monarch of hell. His body stays motionless, while levitating with ease within the coach. His bronze hair with light golden highlights fall a centimeter short from the wooden floor. His eyes open gradually revealing a soft purple color. The black leather outer garment disintegrates displaying a sparkling white gold chain-linked armor. The carriage has ended at the trail, now downtown Portland has been captured by hell. God and his angels lower to the ground to protect the mother earth that he created. Then battle began. Angels and dark angels fight it out, as in revelations from the christian holy bible we know. Down in Cinema XII a woman looks for her son, and tells him to buy some tea. For the moment if she just knew how it would be. The child walks to the concession stand in the theater. He asks for a medium tea and picks up two blue packets of sugar. He walks into the movie screen. No one is there. Then he realizes he is in the wrong one. He wanders throughout the screening area to find the door. Mother not knowing something’s wrong, but looks for the young boy. A violet light shines from the wall. His eyes open more and more as what inside the wall has to show. A demon appearing in a ragged cloak eases his way to the boy. The boy drops to his knees in fright while staring at the door. Though it is a short distance, it seems to be miles away. Mother runs in the room. The demons appear to her. She grabs her son pushing him out into the hallway, sacrificing herself to spare his life. She tells him that she loves him. His eyes tear up, as he reaches out to her for one last touch. The door slams shut. He can hear the screams from inside. It’s all quite, and mother is deceased. In the teared eyes the reflection of a fire lights. The fire demolishes the end of the hallway. A glorified spirit destroys the ceiling and grabs the boy. Fragments of the roof fall on the angel, as her pearl white wings cover the frightened child. It has all come to soon for the heavenly father. His eyes was once filled with tears again. In his brown and burgundy robe he looks at the earth. It has been to early to come down, for the scriptures stated he will return when he wants it to end. Satan has destroyed his plans, and now there are just dead Jesus fans. The capture of Portland has been a triumph for hell. Now Satan wants to take over London and Hong Kong, expanding his army. Once he takes over these citys doom will come to all christians. Ten of the most powerful satanic witchcraft souls walk down main street in London. They each bow down to a portrait of their mighty king. Each spreads it candles around the street. They are setup along the sidewalks and cafe table tops. They scream the suffering voice that releases hell into their green valleys and city streets. The candles light up all at once. Six hundred sixty-six demons are again released from the netherworld. Ten knights wearing metallic black garments sit on the edges of the balconies in Hong Kong. Through meditating they form Six hundred sixty-six flames. They balance in the thin air, rising above the streets. The city rumbles and the street signs crumble. A deep gray wing reaches out from the flame. It grabs a hold to the air as if something was there. It's head pears down the street. A slight grin apears on the once distraught face in the underworld. Others come of the flames like eggs hatching. Now a total of 3 sets of 666 demons are released. Which equals 1,998 in all, the year it is now. Down in the big apple the ball reaches the top and now 1998 is over. A sockwave flows through Time Square of New York City. A 1999 sign dangles the empire state building. The left part of the 100 foot sign, of the numbers 1999 break. The sign swings over a catches some bricks, now it says 6 6 6. A man appears standing on the middle six. He wears a black over coat, and has dark hair down to his knees. He looks at the people below with his mouth opening slowly. As it opens you can see the sharp fangs from the mouth. Blood drips from the fangs, forming flames. His eyes turn red, as he blows fire. The people below are burnt to a crisp. Upon the giant screen shows the battle of the armagedon. A 10 foot ice pick slams in the screen. It breaks and shatters all over the streets of New York. A loud thunder is heard and does not stop. Feneliyz, an angel who has an etire of rubys and diamonds, climbs the ladder upon the side of an Manhattan apartment and reaches for the top. Just then the noise stops. Balancing on the ladder, she looks down and sees an empty city as people would use in movies. Everyone has died, except the angels which were resistant to death spell. New York city population: 0,000,000. The eyes of satan holographicly appear in front of heavens’ angels. They don’t go away, as if satan was watching them all the time.

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