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Personal info


Just bitching... I hate guys that think with their dick. It gives men this horrible image. And why the hell do people act as sex and pot is their whole fucking life? I don't understand people these days. This world (hell) is fucked up. I don't understand the world's train of thought anymore. I know my bitching has been elementry english, but now I don't give a fuck. Maybe this is why I am who I am. Maybe this is why I wear all black everyday. I never knew why I liked the darkside of life so much. Maybe it takes me in my own little world, in which I will grow depressed and horrified. Now I am going to my abstact coffen and pretent I am dead!

To Kansas City Goths homepage
My Personal Homepage -Chambre de Sintra

Since ya came here you must want to know more about moi. Can't think of anything else. Now you know all about me. But if you still aren't satistfied. Geaux to my life story page: My life story
