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This is only a start, obviously. I threw together some of those surveys I get e-mailed all the time….



I am: Elizabeth. If you want to know my last name, read the novel "Stranger in a Strange Land," and it’s the character that says "arse."

AKA: Liz, E, David, Bomb

I was born: same as the flame (Christian Laflamme), or 24 Nov 1976. Do the math, but I’ll probably always look about 17.

I was born at: Cape Girardeau MO

Now I am in: Saint-Louis MO


I wish I was : Not in MO!

If you want to contact me:,, or FYI, before you ask, écureuil is French for squirrel and the hawks37 was created because it was Jean-Yves Leroux`s first number with the Blackhawks.

If you give any problem for being a Blackhawks fan: Blackhawk was chief of the Fox and my great-great grandfather was Fox. Now what do you have to say?

I am a member of the Clan Societies for: < a href="">Clan Donald and Clan Shaw

Internet IM: Elizabth55

ICQ: 7820069

Favorite Animal(s): skunks, squirrels, polar bears, otters, orange cats

My cat and the coolest thing he ever did: He’s named after Martin Brodeur of the New Jersey Devils because I found him during the 1995 Stanley Cup Finals and his orange fur is kinda like Brodeur’s red hair. When he was a kitten I left a stack of about 40 hockey cards out and when I came back he had pulled only the Brodeur card out of the pile and chewed it up.

Favorite TV Show(s): whatever, usually the news or BBC America. I also like Earth Final Conflict and Due South.

Favorite Kind(s) Of Music: from rock to latin to folk to jazz. I think my cd collection scares people.

Artists I like to listen to: Live, the Cure,Great Big Sea, Moist, Enya, Bare Naked Ladies, DMB, STP…

Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars trilogy, Trainspotting, the Full Monty, Little Budda, Fools Rush In, Disney’s Robin Hood. I basically detest big time hollywood films. To me, movies like Titanic and Armageddon were just a pointless waste of resources without much point or depth.

School: U of MO at STL

I will graduate with: Double major in Mass Comm and Comm Theory, minors in political science and French, and an international studies certificate.

Future School: don't know at this moment, degree being a masters in something like international relations or political science. If you have any info on any of these schools or cities, please e-mail me!

Future Job: probably a bum on the street, then UN representative...

Hobbies: hockey, basketball, reading, rollerblading, computers, music, cinema, traveling, fashion, whatever

Things I Collect: sports stuff (hockey cards, programs, jerseys, etc., and I still have a lot of my basketball stuff around), skunk things, pictures and just a lot of stuff in general (I do confess to being a pack rat). Some might claim I collect shoes and clothing, which I don’t think is inordinately humorous but it is probably a valid statement.

Piercing(s) And Where?: ears—four in left and twice right. BTW, the only thing "wacky" about having cartilage piercings are occasionally you can’t sleep on that side of your head!

Where Do You Shop?: anywhere but the gap

Coke or Pepsi: Diet Pepsi

Favorite Thing(s) To Wear?: clothing. aren't you all pleased I do?

My computer is: A Packard "Hell" named Fichaud after the again injured Pred goalie bc it has a sleep mode.

Favorite Subject(s) In School?: poli sci and French

Least Favorite subjects: French Literature Through the 17th century. I don’t think it’s funny when native French speakers laughed at me when I told them what I was reading.

Favorite Color(s): black, blue, purple (I feel like a big bruise)

I eat: almost anything sans sugar and meat, which actually isn’t too much.

I drink: any and all juices except that with raspberry and cranberry, water, diet pop. If it has to be alcoholic, give me a Molson Dry or Bud Ice.

Am I a Republican or Democrat? I’ve just been told I’m very liberal. I never saw myself as being on the narrow American political scope.

Am I opinionated? I don’t tend to thing of them as opinions, I see my thoughts as the truth! JK. Realize I was born at the same place as that big winded Rush Limbaugh.

Gum I chew: Peach Extra, Citrus flavor and cherry Trident. Of course none of these can be found in the States.


Sites o’ mine (WARNING—these may never be updated)—

My STL Blues Prospects Page

BYKFC--definitely proceed with caution!


My friends’ sites (I’m working on this)—

Marie-Claude’s Site

Amanda’s Page

IceKitten’s Ice Cats page

Random places from my bookmarks(even though netscape 4.5 makes it almost pointless most of the time, but they are still there from the prehistoric 3.1 times!)

The Auguste Rodin Museum in France

AHL’s Official website

Le Journal de Montreal

Polar Bears Alive

Electric Scotland

Cruel Web Site of the Day