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I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.
Edward Everett Hale, American Writer

For health reasons, since April 2001, I am no longer able to
show or breed Shelties.
Because I still get so many request for Shelties of all ages,
I have put together this page and I hope the sites below will
help you find the Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog) of your dreams. If you find a web site that is not working, let me know so I can either research and change it or remove it.

These are great web sites for all information on Shelties.
There is a right slider bar and just scroll down to find 100’s of useful categorized links.
This site just keeps getting better.
It has a new entrance to the classified section right at the top in the center of the page.
Down the left border are all kinds of useable educational links.
This site requires you to JOIN THE GROUP with Yahoo.
Joining is FREE and you can receive individual messages or a daily digest.
I suggest the daily digest as it cuts down on the number of
emails you will receive or you can just remember to look at it daily or ???

If you go to: and simply type in “Shetland Sheepdogs”,
approximately 54 different sites will come up that you can sift through.
Some are open to the public, so you have to join.
Some are for people that only show their dogs, some
for people with obedience dogs, some for just good ole’ pets.
If you type in “Shelties” at that same address,
you will come up with over 80 sites and again, some are the same as above and some are for public,
some show persons, some obedience persons, etc.
You just have to take your time and sift through them.
This is a classified shop that I don’t know much about,
but is there for you to scan through.
If you go to this site and then follow the links this way:
Recreation ->
Pets ->
Breeds ->
Herding Group ->
Shetland Sheepdog ->
Breeders ->
United States
This site will bring up Shetland Sheepdog Breeders.
If you go to this site and then follow the links this way:
Recreation ->
Pets ->
Dogs ->
Breeds ->
Herding_Group ->
Shetland_Sheepdog ->
Rescues and Shelters
Just the same as above when you search GOOGLE for
Shetland Sheepdog Rescue Groups and Shelters.
These are stories from the dogs point of view.
This man has Shelties and other rescues.
Just scroll down and click on Wild Times.
This site lists Sheltie Kennels in Regional and alphabetical order.
Some have web sites, some don’t.

Giving up showing and breeding my Shelties has been a very emotional experience. It took two years for me to empty out and pack away the special ribbons and trophies that the Shelties had earned over the years. It took another year or so to go through pictures, letters, and other keepsakes and put them away. I still have not taken down or decided what to do with my huge Sheltie/Collie/Sheep figurine collection. I wish I could have shown Shelties for another 20 years, but it was just not meant to be.

Nancy and Bill Warner
P.O. Box 506, Neosho, Missouri 64850
(417)658-9091 (cell) email:

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