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please don't buy from shell. Rundown of their human rights abuses
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Benasato's Life

Suburbia:Keep your front yard clean and your mind empty.

Post-election agony:

A Whiter Australia

Sunday, 16th December, 2001.

Time to do the jolly jolly act of Christmas shopping.
As America moves closer to becoming a police state it's time to think of presents!! yaay! It has become unpatriotic to feel too depressed to celebrate. It has also become unpatriotic for Americans to criticise their country's foreign policy or to even think about why people would want to destroy such a righteous, grand and good nation such as America.
How many children in Iraq are dying because there is no medicine or food for them due to the trade embargo imposed by America? How many have already died?
How many Palestinians die from weapons that have been heavily subsidised with American help to Israel?
In 1988 the American warship Vincennes shot down an Iranian airliner. They killed 290 people (Laderman 2001).
This is not just "good versus evil" as George W. Bush continuously espouses. The world isn't based on some Star Wars movie as most Americans appear to believe. The government of the United States of America whether they will admit it or not, brought a terrible event unto themselves because of a flawed and far-reaching foreign policy. Those people in the World Trade Center did not deserve to die. They had nothing to do with the US government's foreign policy. However, attacks like these will continue on into the distant future until the American government can admit that they have a destructive foreign policy. I would even go as far as to say "evil", if the word must be used.
So, darlings, did I just shatter your world or reinforce your views? I'd like to hear about it! Have a Merry Xmas everyone. I suggest for the New Year we should all endeavour to do one thing more: think. And perhaps push ourselves abit further and act on those thoughts.

Wednesday, 8th of November, 2001.

That's it. This election is making me so angry that I am feeling physically sick every time I turn on the news or read my (extremely biased) local Hills Shire Newspaper. Fine, vote for Alan Cadman, useless member for Mitchell. Vote for Phillip Ruddock, your uncompassionate member for Berowra. My vote will be completely drowned out considering I live in one of the strongest Liberal seats in Australia: CASTLE HILL. The haven of middle class, supposedly educated, lawn-loving bigots.

After talking to some people (voters), and reading the news I am finding the future to look extremely bleak.
Considering we are ALL of voting age now, I am going to have to urge you to read up. Read the news, watch (the underfunded) ABC, SBS and just be well-informed for this election. Please don't throw away your vote.
If ANY of you, and I know that alot of us did (baulko ppl) went to a PUBLIC School, yes where they turned off your water because we couldn't pay our water bill, where we didn't have a hall... PLEASE remember that the Liberal government gives public schools 30 percent funding for schools like the ones we went to and 70 percent to schools like Kings and Abbotsleigh. Do you remember having equestrian uniforms? Good, that's because we never had any, because the Liberals didn't give us funding for goddamn horses. So instead of our school gaining, let's say a computer, Tara would've received a horse for their equestrian team. I feel gypped.
Feeling thoroughly depressed, and will not have any faith in the Australian people ever again, will move overseas and gain residency in Canada or New Zealand and won't be able to look you straight in the eye if you vote Liberal...

What are you looking forward to?

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