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My Poetry

Just a warning, this stuff is not what I write when I'm in a good mood.
In fact, most of it was written while in a bad mood, or just bored at school or something.
So, enjoy. And remember, you were warned...
Now up
Just something I wrote when I was bored,
but read it anyways.

Wrote this one for a girlfriend when we were going thru some tough times

Imagine life without your senses.
Ok, now read this poem

This is one of those bad day ones.
Let's just say, you dont want to be my enemy.

The War
This one was interesting to write considering I'm atheist and wanted to
preserve my views while writing this.

Wandering Thoughts
The last one, until I write the next one.
This one kinda makes you think, and it actually rhymes.
Cool, huh? Two for one.

Another of those things i wrote when i was bored.

You'll notice that none of these have backgrounds, that's because all the backgrounds on this site are by me, and i dont think any of my art could properly compliment these.

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Page written and maintained by Zach Thelen