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My Computer Art

20 pointed 3D star, kind of a gold foil texture.(640x480)

Same 20 pointed star, made of glass with an internal light.(640x480)

A golden hand holding a mirror ball, one of my first pics.(640x480)

Medival castle type thing.(640x480)

Same castle, different view.(640x480)

I've got the whole world in my hand. Sorry =)(640x480)

A dodecahedron between two fingers. I love the reflections on this one.(640x480)

Different from the rest, it's tough to tell it was made with the same program.(640x480)

Same as the previous one, but I messed with the positions of the planets and the light source. (640x480)

A pillar of shapes in various textures.
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Page written and maintained by Zach Thelen