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The Trayman's Favorite Beer Trays

Welcome to my Beer Tray Page!

I have been collecting Breweriana since the mid 70's - when my dad got me hooked with frequent trips to flea markets and antique stores. I have been specializing in trays for the past couple of years. Trays, because I find their history to be quite interesting and their graphics to be quite appealing. Until I run out of my generously provided Angelfire space, I will display as many favorites from my collection as I can.

Drop me an eMail if you: know of any other tray pages that I can add to my links; want to unload a tray or two; have some Tray Trivia that I can incorporate into the page; want to pass on some tray info where I have "???" or something incorrect; want to make suggestions to the Top Ten List; want to give me suggestions for improving my site; or just want to say "Hello!".

Thanks for the space

Please excuse any messes you find, as I am always Under Construction
Mark the Trayman

You Know What To Do To View Beer Trays From:

The North
The South
The East Coast
The West Coast
The Midwest
South of the Border
North of the Border
What's New! What is New, is my new site. Trayman Classic will stay on line, however you will definitely want to check out
Other Breweriana
Trays For Sale Here New trays posted (10/20/00)

What a Maze - Please show me a Map

Piranha X Productions

Press da button for the Trayman's Favorite Links

Top Ten Things to do with a Beer Tray:
