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Emily's Homepage

I'm going to put links to all the sections of my web site in a frame on the side and stuff about me in the index. So first I'm learning frames and cleaning up the Joke section, as soon as thats down, there will be a definate update.

I do have my Joke PageWhich is completely horrible. Don't go to it till I tackle that embarassing mess.

A cozy little chatroom called the Nevhood where you can meet me and some of my best friends!! Hehe, if you can't stand too much insanity it's suggested that you stay out of the chatroom though. :) --I have a wrecked image there and no one goes there anymore, I'll make a link to the MB soon.

My Buffy The Vampire Slayer Page is under constrution but it is so far not that bad! -bull shit.

You can go to my Links Page where you can find a great selection of all kinds of neat places to go! -I have at least one ripped image there. I reeeeally need to update :)

I've been working on 'the young authors korner' -HA I disabled the link.

I have a Heaven and Angels short page with poems if your interested! -gag me. Disabled.


  • Crack Up Collection
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer Page
  • The Neverho0d Chat
  • Links Page
  • My lil Awards
  • Too Many Risks
  • Heaven and Angels

    My Internet Hours:I'm online at very odd hours now. I'm usually on from 8pm to 9pm every night though for sure on weekdays except Tuesday! Yup, I still watch Buffy and am a loyal fan of Angel!

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