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A way to contact other Moffatt fans through e-mail or snail mail ...
Mail me your info please!
Hi there,

You must be here wondering about Moffpals, well first of all Moffpals is the short form for Moffattpenpals (Moffpals sounded better) and well it's a cool way to stay or get in touch with other Moffatt fans ...

what you have to do to join .
You have to send me you name age fave Moffatt address ( e-mail or snail)and any other info you'd like to share I'll pair you up with a few people ( once I have some) and you can start being e-pals or p-pals ( penpals that is ) well sign up by e-mailing me ....

thanks and buh bye !!

You can also contact Moffpals at :
Email:E-mail me ....
Or my P.O box address is:
Nikki 3401 Dufferin St. P.O.Box 27601 Toronto, Ontario M64 3B8 Canada
*Drop me a line TODAY*
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