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Welcome to the Shadowlands

Welcome, to my home on the Net!! I guess you might want to know a little about me. I'm Meagan O'Gorman, layabout, bum and Internet freak extraordinare. I'm 21 years old, and I live in Altavista, Virginia, back in my hometown after a long hiatus. This is a town so small that the big thing to do is to go to the local Dairy Freeze and honk your horn at night! Currently I'm a cashier at McDonalds, though I'm currently looking for a better job. I mean I did got to college for two years, I should be able to do better than "Would you like to supersize those fries?"

Anywhoo, I love to write poetry and stories, role play games (especially Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Star Wars and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons), art, heavy metal and country music (wierd combo, huh) and sports, particularly hockey and baseball.

As far as updates to this site (and believe me, they sorely need updates!!) as soon as I get a scanner up, I'm gonna post some of my artwork for you all to critique. Also, I'm working on a few more stories to post, and I am also nearly finished with the eagerly awaited next installment of my "Magic of Threes" novel. Coming soon as well are my Gundam Wing fanpages, my Dragonball Z fan pages, as well as my long-promised, eagerly anticipated and perpetually buggy Sailor Moon page. Plus, I'm going to provide a link to, the single coolest RPG site in the world. I'm planning to start up a third edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign on there, as well as a Big Eyes Small Mouth Sailor Moon anime camp. Anyone interested, submit character ideas for either to my email and I'll review them and get back to you on them.

So if I haven't bored you enough, please, by all means e-mail me at

A special hello to all my Quebec buds reading this page...Elie, Sarah, Rachel, Marc, Brian, ya all guys! Hope you guys are enjoying that crazy weather you Canadians do up there! And to all my buds in Richmond! Love you guys sooo much!! Take it easy!

Peace out and love on ya!!

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Drop me a line in my guest book. tell me what you think of my page, other cool links I should have, credit card and bank access codes....(just kidding)

Come chat if ya want to! Anything goes, as long as it's not going to get me arrested or fined. I'm a cashier at McDonalds! If I could afford court fees and lawyer payments, I could have frickin' cable!!

Hey!! This is your chance to be heard! Stories, poems, personal ads, it's no holds barred in here!! Just have fun and keep it legal, kay? I have a story or two in the works, so any aspiring writers can feel free to add to the story if they want.

Well, here's a quiz for ya! If ya have time, fill it out. Call me curious, but I love to know what people think.

Hey! well, if you're still here, come find me on Yahoo Chat, AOL Instant Messanger and ICQ. I'd love to hear from ya!!

Since I know you all are dying to know about me, I decided that I'll include a little personal info about myself at this page. So go ahead, click here. I have my pic there and everything. Hope you don't gag TOO hard!! *laughs*

Well, I decided that I would be kind (sorta) and post some work that I have done. Writing and art as it comes in, and maybe eventually midis that I wrote. Who knows? As always I'd love to hear from you, so send your opinions and critiques to me, either via guestbook or e-mail. Just go to The Writings of Lady Shadow Walker

I decided to dedicate a page to each of my siblings, so you can go to their pages individually by clicking their names, or got to the whole photo album. The pages go in order of oldest to youngest, starting with David, Kelly, Myrtle, Emily, and The Peanut Gallery.

Well, for your viewing pleasure are albums of my friends, both back home and in college. For the college album, click College or Gretna High School


I am a total David Bowie/Labyrinth check out my pages dedicated to that movie. You can find them here at Down in the Underground or How You've Turned My World.... There are far better pages than mine, and I borrowed extensively from other fan's pages, a long list of whom I don't have room to give credit here, especially Sarah Packard, Melf, Shadoe and the others. Thanks so much guys and don't get mad, I honestly don't mean any harm by using your stuff.

Lady Shadow's Links

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Abbagirl's Labyrinth homepage....The best site for info about my fave movie of all time of the most beautiful artwork on the Web. Check it out!! college homepage
