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Converting to and from Binary Numbers

Let's begin with a binary number
Suppose it is:

               (it wouldn't have to be 10011101, 
                I just chose it because I thought it looked neat)

The first digit (starting from left) of the number is 1.
This first digit is the same as saying (1*2^7) 
**Note:(^7 is the same as saying "to the 7th power")**

If we look at binary number                   10011101
then the power used for each digit -->        76543210
(directly under the binary number)
You once again see that for the first 
digit (1) you should use (1*2^7)

Got it so far?

So here comes the fun stuff
(1) 0  0  1  1  1  0  1        =(1*2^7)
 1 (0) 0  1  1  1  0  1        =(0*2^6)
 1  0 (0) 1  1  1  0  1        =(0*2^5)
 1  0  0 (1) 1  1  0  1        =(1*2^4)
 1  0  0  1 (1) 1  0  1        =(1*2^3)
 1  0  0  1  1 (1) 0  1        =(1*2^2)
 1  0  0  1  1  1 (0) 1        =(0*2^1)
 1  0  0  1  1  1  0 (1)       =(1*2^0)

Notice how I put the digit in the ( ) as the first number in the 
equation ( *2^#) and that # begins with 7 on the first row and then one is
subtracted every time until the last row is to 0?  Also notice that in the 
last row you are at the last ( ) digit?  
If you don't see what I am talking about try writing the above number chart 
on paper and looking for patterns.  It is all a game of patterns.

Well now let's take a look at the column on the right, and get out our


If you type in (1*2^7) you should get the answer to be 128.
**Note: Remember that exponents (^#) has authority over multiplication so
you should be sure to put (2^#) in your calculator before you multiply it 
by 1 or 0**

So do this for each row and you should end up with these answers:

(1*2^7) = 128
(0*2^6) =   0
(0*2^5) =   0
(1*2^4) =  16
(1*2^3) =   8
(1*2^2) =   4
(0*2^1) =   0
(1*2^0) = + 1

Now you add them all up and you should get the base-10 answer for 
binary number 10011101.
The answer is 157.  **YOU'RE FINISHED**  Wasn't that fun?

I know you don't want to hear anymore, but let's say you know the base-10
number, and what you are looking for is the binary number.  Can you figure
that one out?  Let's work it together :)

We'll use the above example to make it easier.
Let's say the base-10 number is 157.  
How do you find out what the binary number is?
Well, to do this let's remember that 11111111 =255.

If you can't remember that then work it out the long way.
(1) 1  1  1  1  1  1  1        =(1*2^7)    = 128
 1 (1) 1  1  1  1  1  1        =(1*2^6)    =  64
 1  1 (1) 1  1  1  1  1        =(1*2^5)    =  32
 1  1  1 (1) 1  1  1  1        =(1*2^4)    =  16
 1  1  1  1 (1) 1  1  1        =(1*2^3)    =   8
 1  1  1  1  1 (1) 1  1        =(1*2^2)    =   4
 1  1  1  1  1  1 (1) 1        =(1*2^1)    =   2
 1  1  1  1  1  1  1 (1)       =(1*2^0)    = + 1

Okay either way now you know 11111111 (binary)= 255(base-10)
We will use the column on the far right (rewritten below):
 =(1*2^7)    = 128
 =(1*2^6)    =  64
 =(1*2^5)    =  32
 =(1*2^4)    =  16
 =(1*2^3)    =   8
 =(1*2^2)    =   4
 =(1*2^1)    =   2
 =(1*2^0)    = + 1

Okay now we will look at our number, 157.
We will compare it to the first row in the                     157
far right column  (also re-written above).                   - 128   (1)
Think to yourself . o O ( can 128 go into 157? )             ----- 
-Yes-  So.. write down a 1, then subtract 128 from 157.         29
(as shown on right)                                          -   0   (0)
Write down your new answer  29.                              -----
Now think . o O ( can 64 go into 29? )                          29
-No-  So.. write a 0, then subtract 0 from 29.               -   0   (0)
Write down your new (same) answer 29.                        -----
Now think . o O ( can 32 go into 29? )                          29
-No-  So.. write a 0, then subtract 0 from 29 again.         -  16   (1)
Write down your new (same) answer 29.                        -----
Now think . o O ( can 16 go into 29? )                          13
-Yes-  So.. write down a 1, then subtract 16 from 29.        -   8   (1)
Write down your new answer  13.                              -----
Now think . o O ( can 8 go into 13? )                            5
-Yes-  So.. write down a 1, then subtract 8 from 13.         -   4   (1)
Write down your new answer  5.                               -----
Now think . o O ( can 4 go into 5? )                             1
-Yes-  So.. write down a 1, then subtract 4 from 5.          -   0   (0)
Write down your new answer  1.                               -----
Now think . o O ( can 2 go into 1? )                             1
-No-  So.. write a 0, then subtract 0 from 1.                -   1   (1)
Write down your new (same) answer  1.                        -----
Now think . o O ( can 1 go into 1? )                             0
-Yes-  So.. write down a 1, then subtract 1 from 1.

You are left with 0.  You are done.  Now look along the side of your long
subtraction equation in the ( ).  Write down those numbers in order and you
have  your binary number.  Therefore, in this equation we have the binary

Isn't that great?  If at the end of your long subtraction equation you are
not left with a 0, you need to redo the long subtraction equation paying 
close attention.  
1.  **Make sure you are subtracting in order and using the correct 
    numbers: 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1**  [these numbers are simply (1*2^7),
    (1*2^6), etc.]
2.  **Double check to make sure you subtracted correctly (ie.  29-16 does
    not equal 15)** 
3.  **and finally make sure the base-10 number is not more than 255**  
    [If it is, you can not make an 8-digit binary number out of it; instead
    try a higher digit binary number, and make sure to the formulas 
    correspond to that new digit]
That's all, I think.  Hope this helped.  Print it up, study it, and practice it. 
Or just look at it once and throw it away.  I don't care :)
