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The Fatalist by Edna St. Vincent Millay

Well, I have lost you; and I lost you fairly; in my own way, and with my full consent. Say what you will but kings in a tumbrel rarely went to their deaths more proud this this one went. Some nights of apprehension and hot weeping I will confess, but that's permitted me; Day dried my eyes; I was not one for keeping in a cage a wing that would be free. If I had loved you less or played you slyly I might have held you for a summer more, But at the cost of words I value highly, And no such summer as the one before. Should I outlive this anguish...and men do...I shall have only good to say of you
..................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................ The heart once broken is a heart no more,
And is absolved from all a heart must be;
All that it signed and chartered heretofore
Is cancelled now, the bankrupt heart is free;
So much duty as you may require
Of shards and dust, this and no more of pain.
This and no more of hope, remorse, desire,
The heart once broken need support again.
How simple 'tis and what little sound
It makes in breaking, let the world attest;
It struggles, and it fails; the world goes round,
And the moon follows it. Heart in my breast,
'Tis half a year now since you broke in two;
The world's forgotten well, if the world ever knew
........................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................

Sometimes the hardest thing you will ever have to do is to live ...
Hearts break, tears fall and aches haunt your every moment ........
But life goes on ..................................................
