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Pictures Page

2010 2009



2004 2003 Archive & Misc.



Waconia Chisago Pool 7 & 8
Dahling Waconia 2010.jpg (1088751 bytes)
Nick Bowlus Big Bass 2010 - 5.65 lbs
Brad G Chisago 2010.jpg (45446 bytes) Brent Pool 8.jpg (88739 bytes)

Lake of The Ozarks

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photo.jpg (147839 bytes) IMG00020-20100324-1650.jpg (187193 bytes)
Jasian - The Angry Elf (From the South Pole)

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Pokegama T.O.C.
Pokegema116.jpg (235803 bytes) Pokegema192.jpg (256767 bytes) Pokegema177.jpg (370420 bytes) Pokegema200.jpg (258970 bytes) Pokegema153.jpg (262638 bytes)
Waconia7.jpg (316726 bytes) Waconia6.jpg (233155 bytes) Waconia4.jpg (222463 bytes) Waconia5.jpg (253874 bytes) Waconia2.jpg (266344 bytes) Waconia3.jpg (380475 bytes) Waconia1.jpg (390912 bytes)

Sugar Lake

Sugar29.jpg (266880 bytes) Sugar3.jpg (490138 bytes) Sugar30.jpg (420037 bytes) Sugar31.jpg (432740 bytes) Sugar32.jpg (514523 bytes) Sugar36.jpg (509993 bytes) Sugar37.jpg (193828 bytes)
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Sugar1.jpg (415898 bytes) Sugar10.jpg (537584 bytes) Sugar11.jpg (527210 bytes) Sugar12.jpg (517436 bytes) Sugar13.jpg (506814 bytes) Sugar14.jpg (535136 bytes) Sugar15.jpg (254371 bytes)
Sugar9.jpg (391047 bytes)            
Pool 5 & 5A  
fish5a-5.jpg (253766 bytes)            


NickBowlus2008.JPG (409960 bytes)
Nick Bowlus Lifetime Contribution Award
JamieTwin.JPG (236068 bytes)
Jamie's twin
BrentCake.JPG (138767 bytes)
Classic Cake
BrentDrawing.JPG (110669 bytes)
Classic Drawing
07_Waconia_Brad.jpg image by TheFluker
Brad Gravenhof- Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_Chuck.jpg image by TheFluker
Chuck Campbell - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_Dick.jpg image by TheFluker
Dick Dorman - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_Haimes.jpg image by TheFluker
Brent Haimes - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_Holets.jpg image by TheFluker
Steve Holets - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_Jamie.jpg image by TheFluker
Jamie Warner - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_Kepp.jpg image by TheFluker
Mike Kepp - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_Kruger.jpg image by TheFluker
Dan Kruger - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_Kyle.jpg image by TheFluker
Kyle Bellefy - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_McNeilus.jpg image by TheFluker
Mike McNeilus - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_Oz.jpg image by TheFluker
Todd Osweiler - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_Phil.jpg image by TheFluker
Phil Rodenburg - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_Phil2.jpg image by TheFluker
Phil Rodenburg - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_Stears.jpg image by TheFluker
John Stears - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waconia_TimAllen.jpg image by TheFluker
Tim Allen - Waconia - Oct 13, 2007
07_Waska_Kyle.jpg image by TheFluker
Kyle Bellefy - Minnewaska - Sept 22, 2007
07_Waska_Kyle2.jpg image by TheFluker
Kyle Bellefy - Minnewaska - Sept 22, 2007
07_Waska_Oz.jpg image by TheFluker
Todd Osweiler - Minnewaska - Sept 22, 2007
07_Waska_Phil.jpg image by TheFluker
Phil Rodenburg - Minnewaska - Sept 22, 2007
07_Waska_Stears.jpg 2007 Minnewaska John Stears image by TheFluker
John Stears - Minnewaska - Sept 22, 2007
07_Couples_Campbell.jpg image by TheFluker
Campbell - Lake Winona - June 30, 2007
07_Couples_Kepp.jpg image by TheFluker
Kepp - Lake Winona - June 30, 2007

07_Couples_Pretzer.jpg image by TheFluker
Pretzer - Lake Winona - June 30, 2007

07_Couples_Stears.jpg image by TheFluker
Stears - Lake Winona - June 30, 2007

Domaille_1.JPG (39158 bytes)
Tim Domaille - Chisago Lake - July 23, 2007
Domaille_2.JPG (43340 bytes)
Tim Domaille - Chisago Lake - July 23, 2007
Phill_Chisago07.jpg (144228 bytes)
Phill Rodenburg - Chisago Lake - July 23, 2007
Allen_Chisago07.jpg (110416 bytes)
Tim Allen - Chisago Lake - July 23, 2007
Green_07_Chuck.jpg (89332 bytes)
Chuck Campbell - Green Lake - June 23, 2007
Green_07_Milo.jpg (100582 bytes)
Milo Walters - Green Lake - June 23, 2007
Pool8_07_Campbell.jpg (121658 bytes)
Chuck Campbell - Pool 7&8 - May 19, 2007
Pool8_07_Stears.jpg (128595 bytes)
John Stears - Pool 8 - May 19, 2007

Pool8_07_Bellefy.jpg (104447 bytes)
Kyle Bellefy - Pool 8 - May 19, 2007



Tonka06_Brad.jpg (56162 bytes)
Brad Gravenhof - Minnetonka - Oct 7, 2006
Tonka06_Steve.jpg (59527 bytes)
Steve Holets - Minnetonka - Oct 7, 2006
Tonka06_Chuck.jpg (21063 bytes)
Chuck Campbell - Minnetonka - Oct 7, 2006
Tonka06_Phil.jpg (59943 bytes)
Phil Rodenburg - Minnetonka - Oct 7, 2006
Bay_Kepp.jpg (26513 bytes)
Mike Kepp - Bay Lake - Sept 24, 2006
Jaime_NSCenter_06.jpg (106441 bytes)

Jamie Warner - North / South Center - August 17, 2006

Brent_Waconia_06.JPG (59414 bytes)

Brent Haimes - Lake Waconia - July 17, 2006

Steve_Waconia_06.JPG (39842 bytes)
Steve Holets - Lake Waconia - July 17, 2006
JeffM_Waconia_06.JPG (41488 bytes)

Jeff Mulholland - Lake Waconia - July 17, 2006

Brad_Waconia_06.JPG (47157 bytes)
Brad Gravenhoff - Lake Waconia - July 17, 2006
Pretzer_Waconia_06.JPG (42858 bytes)
Matt Pretzer - Lake Waconia - July 17, 2006
Forest_Brad.jpg (118377 bytes)

Brad Gravenhof - Forest Lake - June 10, 2006

Forest_Kepp.jpg (118064 bytes)

Mike Kepp - Forest Lake - June 10, 2006

Forest_Tim.jpg (124345 bytes)

Tim Allen - Forest Lake - June 10, 2006

Forest_Ozzy.jpg (122078 bytes)

Todd Osweiler - Forest Lake - June 10, 2006

Forest_Jake.jpg (96780 bytes)
Jake Schultz - Forest Lake - June 10, 2006
Becker_Pool4.jpg (115565 bytes)
Jeff Becker - Pool 4 - May 20, 2006
Gravenhoff_Pool4.jpg (108515 bytes)
Brad Gravenhoff - Pool 4 - May 20, 2006
Milo_Pool4.jpg (117511 bytes)
Milo Walters - Pool 4 - May 20, 2006
Burtis_Pool4.jpg (108864 bytes)
Larry Burtis - Pool 4 - May 20, 2006

Hodge_Pool4.jpg (116821 bytes)
Jay Hodge - Pool 4 - May 20, 2006

State06_Qualify.jpg (104809 bytes)
State Tournament 2006 
- Gull Lake
John Stears 2nd
Rick Billings 9th
Brent Haimes 11th
State06_Steve.jpg (128068 bytes)
Steve Holets - State 2006 - Gull Lake - 16th Place



Brent2.jpg (196717 bytes)
Brent Haimes - Cedar Lake - Oct 8, 2005
Brent Cedar.jpg (188331 bytes)
Brent Haimes - Cedar Lake - Oct 8, 2005
Matt Cedar.jpg (147768 bytes)
Matt Pretzer - Cedar Lake - Oct 8, 2005
Jay.jpg (115037 bytes)
Jay Hodge - Cedar Lake - Oct 8, 2005

Stears.jpg (54434 bytes)
Stears - Lake Winona Couples Tourney - June 25, 2005

Campbell.jpg (144703 bytes)
Campbell - Lake Winona Couples Tourney - June  25, 2005
Warner.jpg (143101 bytes)
Warner - Lake Winona Couples Tourney - June 25, 2005

KeppBBWaconia.jpg (26876 bytes)
Mike Kepp - Lake Waconia - June 14, 2004
PriorBigFish.jpg (178528 bytes)
Dick Dorman - Prior Lake - July 13, 2003


Miscellaneous and Archive Pictures

NickBowlus2008.JPG (409960 bytes) JamieTwin.JPG (236068 bytes) BrentDrawing.JPG (110669 bytes) BrentCake.JPG (138767 bytes)

2008 Awards Night / Christmas Party

Archive1.JPG (339457 bytes)

Archive2.jpg (307204 bytes) Archive3.jpg (134542 bytes)
Archive4.jpg (149370 bytes) Archive5.jpg (88607 bytes) Archive6.jpg (114546 bytes)
Archive7.jpg (111301 bytes) Archive8.jpg (128413 bytes) Archive9.jpg (90345 bytes)
Archive10.jpg (134583 bytes) Archive11.jpg (144722 bytes) Archive12.jpg (208832 bytes)
Archive13.jpg (195638 bytes) Archive14.jpg (89503 bytes) Archive15.jpg (101296 bytes)
Archive16.jpg (97701 bytes) Archive18.jpg (82594 bytes) EricBuck.jpg (150805 bytes)
StearsFamily.jpg (184984 bytes)