4th of July 2002


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This last 4th of July we had a party at me Tracy and Ashley's apartment. We went to Leif Erickson Park because we heard there would be Dj's spinning in the park.. we were wrong.. we watched the fireworks on top of Dana's roof and the rest of the time, we partied at our house. I got a little verbal abuse from the landlords the next day!

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Me Destiny Desiree

Me Josh Leon

Destiny Desiree Leon Josh Me

Dana's Roof

Chris Destiny me Josh Zara

Ashley Jenni

Casey, Stacy, Tracy, Jenny, Dana, Destiny, Desiree

Me Destiny

Leon Zara

Keith Tracy

Casey Stacy

Lindsay JP


Ashley Jenni

Ashley Josh Zara Girl Marla

Me Megs Destiny

Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny.
--Jack Handey Deep Thoughts

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