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"A Soldier's Story"

Men Who have offered their lives for
their country know that patriotism is not
the fear of something,
it the love of something

-Adlai Stevenson

The world is begining to understand
why we treasure America so much
our values, our freedom,
and the strength of the American Charachter.

-President George W. Bush

Liberty is not America's gift to the world,
it is god's gift to each and every human being.
So as we pursue peace, we also pursue Liberty.

-President George W. Bush

The soldier above all other people
prays for peace, for he must suffer
and bear the deepest wounds and scers of war

-General Douglas MacArther

"Be strong and
courageous. Do not
be terrified; do not
be discouraged,
for the lord your
God will be with
you wherever
you go

-Joshua 1:9

I would like to share a story with you to tell you how soldier’s really care for each other, our country, family, friends, and anyone you could ever think of. Remember this story is about soldiers fighting over seas after 9-11 I hope you like it.


Martin Savidge of CNN, was talking with four young Marines. He had been telling the story of how the war started. He went on by telling about the many hardships had endured since the war began and how the Marines looked after one another. He then turned to the four Marines and said he had cleared it with their commander and they could use his videophone to call home. None of these Marines had been able to call home to their families for many weeks. The 19 year old Marine next to him asked if his platoon sergeant could use his call to call his pregnant wife whom he had not been able to talk to in over a month. Savidge was moved by the request of the Marine, and nodded his head yes. Then Savidge turned to the other three young Marines still sitting with him. He asked “which one would like to call home first.” The Marine closest to him responded. ”Sir, if it’s all the same with you, we would like to call the parents of a buddy of ours. Lance Corporal Brian Buesing of Cedar Key Florida, Who was killed in action on the 23rd of march near Nasiriya. We would like to see how his folks are doing and let them know their son died bravely.” Martin Savidge broke down and unable to speak. All he could get out before singing off was, “Where do we get young men like this?”
Soldiers are always thinking of others before they think of there self. Remember soldiers died fighting for our freedom. Never forget what they have done for us.

“At the graveside of a fallen soldier”
Scripture, Prayers, uniformed pallbearers, taps by a lone bugler, Country’s flag crisply folded and tenderly presented to the soldier’s mother, hearts at half mast, indescribable grief as seven guns fire, fellow soldiers fighting back the tears as they solute their fallen comrade, loved ones and friends held close to the heart of god.
God bless all soldiers and their family’s as they all fight for our freedom today.

-Joe Homme