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No Way to Treat a Hero


I am writing to you about a great injustice being done to our Nation’s Heroes. Are you aware that there are thousands of POW/MIA’s still unaccounted for from WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm, and other conflicts the USA sent our military to assist with? What are you doing about this? What are you doing about bringing home Ronnie Lindstrom and his fellow pilot John West who went down at coordinates 163400N 1062700E (XD548329) over Laos in 1970?


Are you also aware that JPAC/CIL has information on many sites where our heroes lay waiting to be brought home and they “choose” which ones to go to? Did you know that you can make a difference in that choice by contacting them? Congressmen like yourself from the state and national level helped bring Joseph Thompson and his 10 fellow crewmates home. is a site dedicated these heroes and bringing them home. There are many links provided to answer any questions you may have. You can also contact the creator of the site and she will be more that happy to answer your questions. Please can you help? Visit the site, contact JPAC/CIL and help bring our Heroes home. The longer we delay the smaller the chance we have of honoring them the way they deserve.

Thank you

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