Slice of Cake

Illustration 1 class, assignment was to graphically present some sort of food using only black on white.

Heron and Florida Panther

Illustration 1 again, same vein as the above assignment only we had to show some sort of a predator/prey relationship. Sp I chose a heron and the Florida panther (a smaller cousin of the cougar).

Cosmic Lions

Not really an assignment, but on our first few days of Computer Illustration 1 class, we were encouraged simply to mess around in Photoshop using stock images. I somehow created this and later used it for an Astronomy assignment. Don't ask.

Cyborg Bat

Illustration 1 again. The assignment was create a chimera of both natural and artificial components, using acrylic paint. I figured bats already use sonar to catch their prey and find their way around... so this little brown bat got a sonar dish for ahead. How it's going to eat that moth when it catches up... I don't know.

Cyrano de Bergerac Poster

Senior thesis. I did a bunch of character designs and other elements for Cyrano de Bergerac as though it were going to be an animated feature. This was the movie poster I designed.


Just a portrait of my main character.

Heron and Florida Panther In Colour

Same as the image further up, only in colour. We had to take our previous work and make a copy of it onto brown paper (which had very much the same texture and weight of the paper used for grocery bags) and then colour it with Prismacolor Pencils.


Not really an assignment, but I had finished the black and white heron picture early and felt like doing another little drawing along the same vein.


Assignment was simple; landscape in acrylics. But while everyone else was looking for flowery fields or mountains or the like... I chose to do something icy. Several reference photos were used obviously... but I don't think this view actually exists in nature.

Lioness and Cub

AUGH! High school work! My first time using prisma pencils. If the animals look familiar, it's because I used a Zoobooks about big cats for reference.

The Refreshment Girl

Back to my senior thesis. This was the final character design for the little Orange Girl from the first few scenes of the play. Not a main character, I thought she was cute.


Our leading lady of my senior thesis, Roxanne, beloved of the title character.

Still Life With Fruit

Allow me to express my abiding hatred for pastel dust and coquille board. This is compliments of Illustration 2 class... I spent weeks on this piece and it turned out wonderful... but I am never using this medium again.


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