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Info Sample
Variety of Samples
777 Card Spread
Retail Orders Link

New Deck Owners Area
Deck Owners Check Here
Ingredients in Ink/Border Gold
Deck Insert Data Card

Training Area
The Mirror link
Beginners Please Click
About "Reading"
Training Area
Some Basic Information
Already Read Tarot?
Prediction Here
777 Card Spread
Add the Cabala
Some Common Questions

History Area
Deck History
Deck Author
Author's History
A Short Poem

The Deck 777 home page is (fairly) regularly updated.

 I would enjoy your comments, questions and suggestions on how to improve and better create to serve you. Don't be surprised to see (some of) your e-mails show up here as well. The upcoming Meditation section will be created soon in response to your recommendations. Please tell me what has been most helpful to you, what you would like to see or share with all that I should post to our tarot meditation directory

I also am listing paranormal type "Stories" at this link. Please list your stories as well. Whether they are odd, experiments or cool, I encourage your input.

This page is published by House of Influence, began in September of 2001. To increase the higher awareness level of humankind and assist the positive nature of our universe and world(s) in which we live. The House of Influence will soon offer various support techniques and, potions, ritual and reference guides. Thank you for your positive response.

Much of the data on the Deck 777 predates the Bible and has been set in a "Flash Card" form using the ancient Hebrew letter as it's base data. On Sept 9th 2002 the Deck777 will have been in publication for its first year.
At the end of the first year I will post the number of decks that people own, worldwide and show which parts of the globe they they exist in. Right now there are 6 in Europe, 1 in Australia, 3 in Canada and the other approximate 140 some are in the USA.
If I'm missing anybody please let me know.

Disclaimer Notice:

I must say that the views and comments that appear on this site are not necessarily the views of any persons listed in the advertisements or referrals within this site. Let it be known here that this site shows the reflections, research, thoughts, opinions and feelings of only one solitary, single person. At present this entire site was created by one person and your requests and e-mails will be attended to by that same person. (The 'Charioteer') As an added note..I do not spend a lot of time creating and editing this web site.

Number of Decks in the World to Date:
Hand Crafted Signature Versions
5 of "Series 0"-(unmarked)-2000
6 of "Series 1"-(unmarked)-2001-2002
10 of "Series 2"-(unmarked)-2002
26 of "Series 3"-2002-2003
80 of "Series 4"-2003-2004
21 of "Series 5"-2004-2005
62 of "Series 6" @ Deck #210 which begins the "Series Seven" era.

1st deck sold 09/09/01
Note: The Deck 777 is the first of a series of serious magick items that are intended to be released, dependent upon the interest of the Deck 777. The items are the Sigilium Illuminati (pentacle which holds your crystal ball) and the Enochian tablets (which, completed will be @ 6x7 feet in wall space) as well as a few other very intense and potent magical items. So your purchase of Deck 777 will go partially towards the creation of these other fantastic items, each of which I have experimented for years and discovered master creation practices for the beauty/enhancement of your temples . So look forward to many great things to come and show your deck around and above all, use it.-Thanks L.R.

If you've had the time to read this far....this site is about to to take a dramatic turn for the better, in the training areas and make-up. I have been so very busy, otherwise that I have not had/made the time to rectify this situation..soon..Lance R.

DECK 777
Temple Items to make  a wizard's work easier. Lance Reynard-Templar Items.

Knowledge Is Power.

Come To Know.

Order "Series Seven" here

Please Note: All decks are sent within 8-12 hours of ordering and carry a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Seven Samples Area Here

(The new box front cover shown .)
magical training cover

Please Note:
I am working with  a very "high end" printer and have their agreement to add the  Deck 777 'fluid condenser' to the finished version of "Series Seven". This makes them the only deck made with this property.

Please Note: The "Series Seven" samples are showing HERE.
The "Series Seven" cards are far more accurate in data, in color and easier to read and are in 4 by 5 inch size.

My upcoming project is..
"The Great Seal"

If You Wish...Join The Mailing List Here
You will be informed of each release of each new item. I will not send a bunch of junk mail!
Enter Email:
Send me your e-mail. Just "opt-in" here..I'd be "spamming" otherwise.
For Updates on New Magical Creations and New Deck 777 Releases!

I am creating a page for basic card instruction here, it is not fully finished but is functional for important data.

Results of Caballah/Magic?

New Deck 777 Card Spread

Deck 777
 For entire Kabbalistic correspondence research.
 The locations and colors of candles. The creation of talismans. To entrain the conscious through symbology. They can be used as runes. They can be for gem atria,(Numerology).The proper stone and effect(s) for related purposes. To 'test'/compare the areas visited through meditation. For the proper location (by degrees) of candles , as well as their colors, in temples 'power' spots.They can be used to learn the ancient 'God names' (Norse,Egyptian,Roman,Greek).They can be used to learn the ancient hieroglyphs of Egypt. They can be used to set up a temple for ritual. They can be for path working librations.They can be used in spell-casting. They can be used to learn Astrology symbols/names. They can be used to learn Hebrew/Versus English alphabet.Used to understand temple powers attained.They can be used for Higher Arcana readings. They can be used to learn the ancient relations of powers. They can be used to study the physical versus astral make up of humans. They can be used to entrain the subconscious through dream work. They can be used to entrain the subconscious through conscious reality. They can be used for Tarot meditations. To learn the signs and colors of the Zodiac. Used for healing, with scents/vibrations and colors of the pathwork.Temple candle colors. Planetary colors.
They can be used for proper scents for working paths or magic. To learn the "Princess scale", colors of the paths. The colors of the Sephiroth. Musical note association(s) and more I will soon list."

For Some Minor Arcana Details Click Here.

Depth from Above.


Numerology 101 Here

Given "Five Stars" by the International Tarot Society
(Clicking on the above link will take you to a different site.)

Recent Review by World Renowned.. A eclectic Tarot Site
(Clicking on the above link will take you to a different site.)

One of my first recommendations for training is to seek and meditate upon
TAO TE CHING. (by Lao Tzu)

Modern Magick (by Don Michael Kraig)

Simplified Magick (by Mr. Ted Andrews)

The Golden Dawn (by Israel Regardie)
(Actually all by I.R.)

777(by Aleister Crowley)
(Actually all by A.C.)

Initiation Into Hermetics(by Franz Bardon)
(Actually all by F.B.)

"Almost everything you do is insignificant. But it is very important that you do it."
"There is more to life than increasing its speed."
"'Violence is 'imposing your will' in any way, upon another."

"Every thought creates an action."

"You never know, until you find out."

Coming Additions Are...

Cross Reference With All of Your Other Tarot Decks.

Minor Arcana Basics



Dress and Personal Ritual Details.

Insight on "The Vibratory Formula."

Some Tech Info Here

Note: The Deck 777 is a highly analytical approach with definite influences of the Golden Dawn in it's make-up and design. But was created to help the student to learn, with accuracy, forces and aspects of our physical relationships to active and similar spiritual nature(s). This does not promote any particular implications that it lists on the cards such as "spirit ism" or "alcoholism" or any other applied/displayed data but is merely listing for the analytical value of the data.

Here are some great sites for the purchase of extra ordinary items.

Stars Tell

© Copyright 2000-2007 by Lance Reynard. All rights reserved. Contact: The House of Influence