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The Rules and Regulations of the PPW!


The Rules and Regulations of the PPW!

Read all the rules and if you still have any questions about handling contact am sure I can help you out!



1. There will be one card every two weeks, with a Supercard every two to three months, that will replace the second show of the month. Results will go as follows. I belive in booking the shows and the majority of the angles myself, in which will make it more fun for the writer to have something new to write about. I'd love everyone to still send in strats and such for match writing, but angles as well so I know who everyone would like to work with. I do request that people send in segments for the show, so it's not all majority results the entire time.

2. Only Made Up Characters are able to join. No real wrestlers, like Steve Austin, or HHH. But bases are allowed. No ripoff characters are allowed either. Please be as original as possible.

3. Bases???? What are they. A base of a character, say the characters names is Joe Schmoe. Well, if you want to use a pic BASE in your roleplay to help you rp, then you can use anyone. You can use Austin, you can use HHH, Eminem, or even David Spade. Whatever you want, it is not necessary, but it may add some fun. And please, just because you have Austin as a base, does not mean that you will be allowed to act like him. And one more thing. I stress only one base per character. Bases are not reccomended, we in the PPW would prefer that you use description in your writing to get your look “over.”

4. Roleplaying.
-a. There is a two rp max limit per show.
-b. Post roleplays on the Roleplay board only.
-c. Length and HTML skills will not win a match. Sure, I like reading pretty roleplays, but that's not going to get you a notch up on your opponant. Also, don't write ten pages of garbage, please make your roleplays well written, and storyline based.

-a. Sunday Night Showdown - Roleplays are due Friday at 11:59 pm central, Strats are due Thursday at 11:59 pm central as well, but they are not required, they just help. The card will be posted Sunday nights. Now I've done many differen't ways with this, from posting it at 8:00 pm like you would be watching it on prime time, and I've done it by releasing a match or segment every little bit, so the show lasts say a hour. (IE 8:01 the first match is posted, followed at 8:15 with a backstage segment, etc.)Sometimes I'll just have it up before midnight. It all depends on the work you guys will give me, and I will give back, along with what type of schedual I'm having. I could have it pre-written and posted right at deadline as well.
-b. PPV - Rps and Strats will be usually due like they would for a Showdown. Most likely, I'll have the ppv card begin on the first or second show of the month to buil up to it. Regardless, I'll have the dates for the stuff that is due on the card.

This is how it works, When you sign up we have the right to use your wrestler for 3 months. Now Lets be real I am not going to give you matches if you quit, the only reason I am stating this is IF you quit in the middle of the week I am going to Job you and I may need you in the next card, and you will job that match too, but nothing greater than that.