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PPW Redemption

[The Office of Derek Shanahan.]

[The boss man sits at a desk in one of the private boxes while he goes over any matter of issues that concern the status of his companies first major event.]

[Everything from the structure of tonight's event to having the right music for every wrestlers walk-in theme. He's Making sure everything is just right and then going over it again.]

[All is... mostly quiet.]

[Aside from the roar of the crowd, already in a building frenzy.]

[And the loud thumping heard from his door.]

[Before Shanny can invite his guest in, the door swings open.]

[And there stands Dusty Griffith.]

[He doesn't approach Shanahan.]

[This isn't a social call. It's all about one thing.]

“Listen. I am sick and tired of Daniel Corey.”

“Because one of two things are going to happen.”

“I'm either going to get my hands on him.”

“Or he's going to grease his way out of it again.”

“Win or lose. I don't care.”

“Because this tag match ain't gonna cut it, boss.”

[Snorts, thumbs his nose.]

“I want a match where he can't get away.”

“And no one can save him from the beating he deserves.”

“Just him and me, no one else.”

[Dusty turns back out the way he came, leaving Shanahan to chew on it.]

[We open in with the fans going nuts as a huge PPW chant breaks out. The building is alive, as we pan into the two hosts for the fans tonight, Denny Lambert and The Prince.]

Denny: Tonight, it's Redemption!

Prince: I'm excited Denny, who knows what will happen.

Denny: The card is stacked top to bottom, with the PPW Heavyweight Title on the line in the main event.

Prince: So are the PPW Tag Titles Denny, as they will be filled tonight.

Denny: And the other three matches are all about hate, as this should be a violent, but amazing show.

Prince: Wait Denny, something is going on backstage!

[Chris Kaladaro bursts into Derek Shanahan's office and slams his palms down hard atop his desk.]

Kaladaro: What the fuck is this I hear that JJ Halme didn't sign the contract for a match tonight!?

[Derek jumps to his feet pissed.]

Shanny: Hey, I handed it to him personally. I turned to grab a pen and he was walking away with it already! What was I supposed to do, stop him?

Kaladaro: Yes! You're the boss aren't you!?

Shanny: Oh yeah, you did such a fine job of it your..... Look. He's going to be here tonight. I will get everything in order. You guys aren't on until second to last anyway. I will handle it.

Kaladaro: You better. Because if you don't, there's no telling what that bitch is going to do when I beat him within an inch of his life. Match or no match, I will do it!

[Before Shanny has a chance to respond Kaladaro storms out of the office. Slamming the door shut behind him.]

DT: This is our opening contest for Redemption!

[Full Effect hits and out comes Chico. He begins to run the gums, as he trucks it to the ring, just waiting for his opponent.]

DT: Hailing from Queens, New York, weighing in at two-hundred-twenty pounds, he is Aaron “Chico” Vasquez!

[Sound of Madness hits and Cortez comes out to a huge pop. He slaps hands with his fans before finally making it to the ring. He smiles, as he begins to get into the ring.]

DT: And his opponent! From Miami....

[Before he can get more out, Vasquez dives through the ropes and drills Cortez with a huge forearm. He begins to put the boots to him, as Cortez tries to fight back. Vasquez now dives off the steps, but Cortez catches him, and slams him onto the steps. Like a rabid animal, Vasquez gets up unfaded by it, and begins to pound on Cortez even more. Before long, security rushes the ring, and separates the two, as the match gets thrown out by the ref, as the fans boo like crazy.]

Denny: That was chaos! Something has to be done about those two here.

Prince: Yeah we will have to find out on Showdown if Shanahan is going to do anything about this matter.

Denny: They can't wrestle each other, period! Every time they are around one another, they brawl, it's pointless.

Prince: Screw them anyway.

[We see Dusty Griffith now leaving the locker room of his with Garret Bishop. He grabs a cup of coffee, but before he can get any farther, he's blindsided by Daniel Corey! He puts a quick beating on him, before stuffing him into a broom closet. He grabs two ladders and blocks the door, not allowing Griffith to get out.]

Corey: Now, let's go have that meeting.


[Chris Kaladaro is scouring the halls tracking down JJ Halme. Every door he passes he storms though just to check. Flicking lights on in darkened rooms.]

Kaladaro: Halme! Where are you hiding you pussy!

[He continues walking down the hallway at a very quick pace, continuing his search.]

[We end up live inside the locker room of PPW Heavyweight Champion C.J. Rowell. He is dressed in his black and red long trunks, boots and a wife beater. The champ is focused on taping up his wrists and fists and barely notices the door swing open.]

Rowell: Yeah?

[Rowell looks up to find Chris Butler of Team ELITE and Carlos Rodriguez, the MMA fighter who is training under Rowell and a member of the Pro Wrestling: Summit roster. C-Rod is dressed blue jeans and a black Nike hooded sweatshirt. Butler, on the other hand, is in a black and red official “TE Brand” jumpsuit, now available at all concession stands inside the arena and on]

Rodriguez: C.J., we just wanted to come in and say we’re here for you tonight. We’ve got your back and we’ll be there at ringside if you need us.

[Rowell shakes his head.]

Rowell: Thanks but no thanks, guys. I appreciate the offer but I’m a big boy and can handle Burrell on my own.

[Rodriguez and Butler nod.]

Rodriguez: Good luck.

[Both turn and leave the locker room as Rowell returns his focus to the tape job.]


[Derek Shanahan is once again sitting at his desk. His face is buried in his palms and he is breathing heavily in frustration.]

Shanny: This is ridiculous! What the hell is wrong with these animals!?

[Just then a voice comes off in the background. The accent is oh so familiar.]

JJ Halme: What's the matter Derek, can't you control your locker room?

[Shanny jumps out of his seat and comes storming around the desk, coming nose to nose with Halme.]

Shanny: JJ, I can't deal with this shit! I may not be able to fire your ass but I damn sure can go right ahead and not buy your plane tickets. I don't have to put you on the cards. I can erase your very existence and still not breach that precious...

JJ Halme: Contract?

[With that, JJ produces the contract for tonights contest against Kaladaro. Signed. But also modified.]

JJ Halme: I spoke with an attorney and what he told me was that Chris Kaladaro's words over the past week can been seen as a verbal contract offering. Which is legally binding. It's also a contract offering that I officially accept. It's been written in above the signatures.

[Shanny just stares at him blankly for a moment before snatching the contract out of his hands. As he reads the new section over his eyes go wide and his face turns white.]

Shanny: Are you fucking kidding me? No way JJ, absolutely not!

JJ Halme: Sorry, Derek. It's a legal contract. Enjoy the show.

[JJ turns and walks out of the office as Shanny stands there dumbfounded.]

Shanny: I need a drink.

DT: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a thirty minute time limit! Introducing first, from Miami Beach, Florida. Weighing in at two-hundred-forty-seven pounds, HEATWAVE!

[The jeering crowd is on their feet casting scorn upon Nicolas Burbank as he comes walking through the curtain. Dope Boyz by The Game with Travis Barker is playing on the pa system. He has a real cocky smile across his face, his eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. He makes his way to the ring at a fairly brisk pace. He barely even acknowledges the crowd as he climbs into the ring and makes himself comfortable, awaiting his opponent.]

DT: And his opponent, From Baltimore, Maryland weighing in a two-hundred-sixty pounds, JC Mason!

[Sort of a mixed reaction spreads throughout the crowd as Jockin' Jay Z by that very artist comes blaring across the pa. JC Mason comes on down the aisle, his eyes fixed on Heatwave as he climbs cautiously in through the ropes. The music fades and the two men both come forward to the center of the ring.]

[The bell sounds, Heatwave tosses his glasses aside and the two of them get right in each others faces. At first not even a word is said but within moments the jaw jacking is going strong. Just as it looks like it's about to get physical, JC Mason takes a step back. He goes to take in a deep breath and Heatwave brings an arm up and slaps him right across the face.]

[Mason barely flinches and tackles Heatwave, taking him right down to the mat. He goes for a top mount throwing his right hand towards Heatwave's face. Heatwave manages to throw Mason off and rolls out of the way before a second wave comes. Both men get to their feet and dart forward. The lock up finally comes and it proves to be a true test of strength. They carry the collar/elbow tie up along an entire side and a half of the ring, trading control between the two of them. Heatwave finally sticks a foot between the ropes and the referee gets in there to break up the lock up.]

[Mason backs away cleanly, Heatwave remains on the ropes holding on until Mason is at a safe distance. After a moment of standing there, Heat lets go and the two of them begin circling the ring. Again comes the lock up and Heatwave quickly snatches for a headlock. He takes Mason over to the mat and continues holding the headlock.]

[Mason kicks his legs to try and free himself from the hold, but is unsuccessful. Finally, he brings his legs up and uses his arms to push Heatwave's head down. He grabs a leg scissor and forces Heatwave to break the headlock. Heatwave quickly kicks out of the leg scissors. Both scramble to their feet and go to it again. This time it's Mason who snatches the headlock.]

[Heatwave tries to power out of it but Mason is still able to match strength without the juice. Heatwave backs Mason to the ropes and is able to shoot him off. He comes charging in after him and the two collide center ring. Heatwave shoves Mason. Mason shoves back. Heatwave throws a punch and Mason ducks it. Heatwave turns and Mason Nails him with a heavy forearm shot.]

[Heatwave staggers and Mason grabs his arm for the whip off. Heat hits the ropes and Mason under hooks the arm for a hip toss. Heat blocks it and throws a clothesline. Mason ducks, and hits another forearm, right across the collar. He follows up with another and again, goes to shoot Heatwave off. This time it's reversed, Mason comes back off the ropes and Heatwave throws a clothesline. Mason ducks it, hits the opposite ropes and ducks another attack from Heatwave, this time a back elbow. Mason stops in his tracks, Heatwave turns and there's the big hip toss from JC Mason! Heatwave slips out of the ring to the outside.]

[Heatwave, barely phased physically by the hip toss, expresses his frustration by kicking the guard rail and mouthing off to a fan. Little does he know, JC Mason has followed him right out. He grabs Heatwave by the back of the head and rams it off the edge of the ring. Heatwave bounces up stunned and tries to flee. Mason stays right on top of him and whips him into the ring underneath the bottom rope.]

[Mason slides in himself but Heatwave has just enough time to rise up and drop the tip of his elbow right across the shoulder blades of JC Mason. He follows up with another elbow across the neck before dragging the big man up to his feet. He rams his head into the top turnbuckle, and Mason is now trying to flee the attack. Heatwave stalks him towards the next corner and repeats the head strike on the top buckle.]

[Heatwave spins Mason in the corner and rams his shoulders down into his midsection. He does this two more times before whipping Mason across to the opposite corner. Heatwave comes charging in with another shoulder ram. This time Mason is able to move out of the way. Heatwave stops himself just short of slamming into the ring post. He recovers in time to throw a huge lariat to JC Mason's back, knocking him down to the mat.]

[Mason, immediately starts climbing the ropes to get to his feet. Heatwave, places a firm kick right into his ribcage. Mason almost acts as if he's electrified, using the kicks momentum to rise to his feet, staggering into another corner. Heatwave whips Mason again into the opposite corner. He follows through with a clothesline, but once again Mason is able to dodge the attack. This time Mason is able to mount a little offense, throwing another forearm, this time across the side of the skull.]

[Heatwave staggers back and Mason hits a toe kick to the midsection. He grabs a gut wrench for a gut wrench suplex, but the damage done to his ribs allows Heatwave to counter out of it and nails Mason with a side Russian leg sweep. Heatwave goes for a cover, barely scoring a two count. Heat locks on a chin lock, but Mason isn't having it too much. He is able to get to his feet rather quickly and throws a couple of elbows into Heatwave. He whips Heatwave off but again it's reversed. Heatwave tries for a big boot but Mason stops short and grabs the foot.]

[Mason trips Heat's other leg out and drops an elbow to the inside thigh. He locks his legs and grapevines Heatwave's. He really wrenches it, while grinding his elbow into Heatwave's thigh muscles. Quick, thinking, Heatwave uses his free leg and knee's Mason in the back of the ribcage. Knowing it won't hold long, Mason releases the grapevine but holds the leg. He steps in for a spinning toe hold, but Heatwave pushes him off into the buckle. Mason crumples around it, having hit ribs first.]

[Heatwave is up now and right behind him as he brings his arm up and legs it down with a huge club across the back. Mason comes up and arches his back in pain. Heat drives his shoulder now into the mid back of Mason. He hits it again and pulls him out of the buckle hitting a big back suplex. Again he goes for the cover and again he only scores a two count. Frustrated he steps over for a top mount and throws two hard fists into JC Mason's forehead. The referee comes in and pulls him off, warning him about using a closed fist.]

[As heat comes back in, Mason snatches him down for a quick roll up. Heatwave kicks out with ease but gets up and turns right into a small package. This one really caught Heatwave off guard as Mason gets a two count out of it. Both men rise up to their feet off the pin and Mason again toe kicks Heatwave. He snatches his head from the side and nails a quick spinning neck breaker.]

[Mason now goes for another cover, but is unable to hold it tight enough to slip in the three. Mason slowly gets to his feet as Heatwave tries to loosen up the stiffness in his neck. They both rise up to their feet about the same time and Heatwave throws another punch. Mason dodges it and snatches the arm, this time it's Heatwave on the receiving end of a side Russian leg sweep. Mason goes for another cover but Heatwave gets the shoulder up just before the three!]

[Mason seems to be reinvigorated with life and he explodes back up to his feet, now he's stalking Heatwave who makes a slow return to his own two feet. Mason lunges in and attempts The Booyah! Heatwave catches him in time and instead throws Mason to the mat, who slaps the back of his head right off the unforgiving canvas. Heatwave drops a quick stomp across JC Mason's throat for his troubles who begins writhing around in pain.]

[Heatwave tries to shake the cobwebs out to capitalize on the situation. He reaches down and grabs Mason by the head. He pulls him up to his feet and throws his arm up over his head, setting up for Inferno! He goes to snap the motion but Mason breaks away, leaps into the air again going for The Booyah! Heatwave pushes him off]

[Mason comes off the ropes and right into Heatwave's grip. He nails Inferno!]




[The bell sounds just as JC Mason kicks to break out of the pin. Too little, too late.]

DT: Ladies and gentlemen your winner of this contest, at a time of eighteen minutes and fifty-three seconds, Heatwave!

[Heatwave throws both arms up in the air basking in his victory. The crowd boos and a couple of JC Mason chants even begin to break out in parts of the crowd. Heat rolls right out of the ring and up the aisle. He turns to smile back at JC Mason, who is now on one knee leaning against the ropes. Heatwave motions to his arm as though he was using a needle before laughing and heading behind the curtain.]

[Chris Kaladaro is storming the aisles still in search of JJ Halme. Two Minnesota State Police jump in front of Chris and prevent him from moving any further. He tries to go around them and they pounce on him, holding him against a wall.]

[JJ Halme comes walking around the corner and Chris again tries a desperate lunge toward him. JJ stands there staring at Chris for a moment then speak.]

JJ Halme: You have your wish. We'll fight tonight. No disqualification.

[JJ turns and starts walking away.]

JJ Halme: You can let him go now, officers.

[They do just that and Kaladaro again lunges forward. Derek Shanahan comes out of nowhere and pins him against the wall again.]

Shanny: NO! Chris, it's the contract. He signed it, but there's a problem.

[Chris is still fighting to break free.]

Kaladaro: What!?

Shanny: If you touch him before the match, I gotta' suspend you. Don't worry, you're only one match away!

Kaladaro:I'm gonna' murder that piece of shit!

[The two cops look back at him and raise their eyebrows to him. Shanny releases him and Chris takes a deep breath.]

[Backstage, Team ELITE stands before the camera, in their gear. Chris Butler is to the left and Daniel Corey is on the right side. Reluctantly, Carlos Rodriguez, shadowing Corey as per C.J. Rowell’s orders, is on the far right half off camera and in his blue jeans and black Nike hooded sweatshirt.]

Corey: Hello friends! It’s DeeCee in the house and the “TE Brand” stands tall. We have come here to be rightfully crowned the first PPW Tag Team Champions. We’ve already made Peter Griffin and Glenn Quagmire our bitches, or is it Griffith and Bishop? Either way, we already own them. Then, you through those hoodlum scumbags from Queens in and we’ve got ourselves a match.

[Corey grins.]

Corey: I don’t give a damn if we’re facing one team, two teams, the San Diego padres or even the LA Sparks. In the end, we’re going to be victorious. And the reason I say that is simple… we’re the best team in the world. I have said this since day one, people.

[Corey slowly lets his grin fade into a cold stare.]

Corey: Tonight, we revitalize and revolutionize the “Team ELITE Brand”.

[Corey walks off as Rodriguez and Butler follow suit.]

DT: This next match is scheduled for one fall, with a sixty minute time limit! It is also for the Pure Pro Wrestling, Tag Team Championships!

[Huge pop for that is soured as Hands Up hits and out comes Team ELITE. Daniel Corey and Chris Butler make their way down the isle, with Corey doing his best at freaking out on the fans, making damn well sure they know about the TE brand.]

DT: Coming to the ring, at a combined weight of four-hundred-ninety-one pounds, Daniel Corey and Chris Butler....Team ELITE!

[Live by the Gun hits and out comes another team to a set of boos. Lukey Luck and Papes make their way down the isle, just jaw jacking at the others in the ring. Neither take eyes off the prize though, as the ref holding the gold in the ring, is the ultimate prize for them tonight.]

DT: Now on their way to the ring, at a combined weight of four-hundred-forty-five pounds, they are Lukey Luck and Papes, the QB K9's!

[God of Thunder hits and the building erupts, then pauses.]

DT: Finally, at a combined weight of five-hundred-forty-five pounds, they are the team of, Dusty Griffith and Garret Bishop!

[Problem is, it's only Bishop. He shakes his head, not sure what is the deal, as he slides into the ring, still oblivious to the attack before.]

Denny: This is bull crap.

Prince: Hey, that's what happens when you screw around with Team ELITE Denny.

[As he gets in, DT heads out, but before the bell is rung, a voice is heard.]

“Just a moment please!”

[Out comes Derek Shanahan, as the building cheers, hoping for some good.]

Shanahan: Now I've had one hell of a day so far, and I'm a little fed up with the so called bull going on here. Especially from you Daniel Corey!

[Crowd pops.]

Shanahan: That's why I've taken the liberty to do something right for a change, especially after what you two tried to do to Dusty Griffith!

[Crowd pops as Bishop looks at the two.]

Shanahan: So if the official for the match could do what I've instructed him to do.

[Suddenly a wire with two clips come down from the ceiling, as the ref clamps on the straps, and the belts now are hung over the ring, in which the building begins to erupt.]

Shanahan: Oh and you guys might need these.

[He points to the entrance as Dusty Griffith is on his way out holding two ladders.]

Shanahan: Now, you may ring the bell. Have fun guys!

[The building goes crazy as the bell sounds. Griffith is still making his way down the isle with the two ladders in hand as the others stand not sure what to make of it, until Butler decides to meet him head on.]

Denny: All hell is about to break loose.

Prince: This is gonna be good or bad, and I'm hoping on the good end.

Denny: Yeah, for Griffith.

[Bishop turns and begins to take shots at Luck, as Papes and Corey begin to go at it as well. Butler finally makes his way down, as Griffith drops the ladders and spears Butler, and begins to ground and pound away. Butler pushes him off and begins to kick him in the ribs over and over before administering a choke. Before long though, Bishop is outside and shoulder blocks Butler away. Luck is also on pace with the crowd, as he hits a running elbow to the back of Bishop's head. He begins to pound away as well, as Griffith is now back on his feet, and going to town on the pile.]

[Papes and Corey now stop in the ring, and look at the mess, shrug, and both bolt to the pile. They stop though, and each grab a ladder and rush back to the ring. Almost at the exact same time, both ladders are up, and both men are climbing. Papes slips, and Corey takes the advantage. He grabs one of the belts, and smiles. He reaches for the second, but Papes is back now, and begins to hit rights into the midsection. Corey continues to hold on, but eventually, he lets go to fight back. He grabs Papes head and slams it off the top of the ladder, causing him to about fall, as Corey goes for another grab, but Papes grabs him around the waist, holding him from being able to reach up.]

[Bishop and Griffith are both in the ring now, as Bishop grabs the ladder with Corey on it, and Griffith grabs the ladder with Papes on it. The two smile at the men above as they tip the ladders over, sending both men to the floor. The ladders bounce back as they grab them, set them up, and point to the belts.]

[They begin the climb as Butler pushes Griffith off, and heads up to cut off Bishop. Luck comes charging in now and goes up the other side of Butler's ladder. Griffith now gets up and goes up with Bishop, as he is next to Butler now. The two throw punches back and forth, as Bishop throws with Luck. Bishop reaches and touches the belts, but cannot get a grip. Luck elbows him in the midsection, and locks on a face lock, but Bishop slides out and chops Luck. Griffith now teeters a bit with Butler, as the bigger men continue to throw blows. Suddenly, we see Papes and Corey mount a top buckle, as the two come flying into the mix with missile dropkicks, causing both ladders to spill, as all six men fall into the wreckage.]

[The building is going bonkers at this point, as Butler is the first come up from the wreckage. He looks around, trying to get his barrings back, as he is hit with a huge lariat from a now standing Dusty Griffith. Griffith begins to set up a ladder now, but he is hit with a low blow from Daniel Corey. Corey punts him again, and then sends him out to the floor. He turns, but is met with a huge Saito suplex from Lukey Luck.]

[Luck begins to set up a ladder as Papes gets up and helps the cause. The two both go up each side, as they move closer and closer. Butler and Bishop get up and realize this, and the two grab another ladder. Papes and Luck drop off as Luck grabs the ladder, and charges, but Bishop ducks, and Butler smacks away the ladder with his. Luck turns around as Bishop kicks the ladder into him, causing him to drop it. Papes picks it up, but Bishop cannonballs himself at Papes, knocking him over with the ladder crushing him underneath. Bishop though aches in a bit of pain, as he lays on it. Butler rushes over and sandwiches him between both ladders. He climbs upstairs and jumps with a back senton onto the ladders, but Bishop slides out, causing Butler to come down on both, adding more to the impact. He rolls out to the floor now in pain, as Bishop sets up the ladder. He begins his climb, but is cut off by Daniel Corey, who pulls him off by one foot, causing Bishop to jack his face off a rung. He rolls in pain to the floor as well, leaving Corey the only man standing.]

[He smiles a bit, as he climbs rung by rung to the top. The building is going nuts, trying to rally the troops, but it almost seems to late. Corey takes his time, as he reaches up, and grabs the first belt, and then grabs the second. He begins to jaw jack with the fans, before pulling on the straps.]

[Suddenly, Dusty Griffith is on his feet, and looking right at Corey. As his head pops up, Corey lets go, and falls, but catches his foot in a rung, as he is dangling from the top of the ladder. Somehow, it doesn't tip, so Corey is now stuck in the air, helpless. Griffith rushes in now and grabs the other ladder, and sets it up. He points to the belts as the place goes nuts. He starts the climb, but stops at the third rung, and just looks down. He locks eyes with Corey, as he begins to come down.]

[He goes outside, and comes back in, with a steel chair in hand. Daniel Corey begins to panic, as Griffith just smiles. He begins to hit Corey with the chair over and over, with shots to the legs, back, shoulders, the works.]

[After about six or seven shots, Corey's leg falls, as he just lays there in agony. Papes is now up and he grabs the ladder and begins to climb, as Griffith just continues to stare at the fallen Daniel Corey. Bishop yells, in which Dusty snaps outta it. He charges up the other side, throwing punches at Papes. Luck now comes over with another ladder and sets it up, as Bishop follows getting on the other set of rungs.]

[Butler comes in now, and enters the fray with a third ladder. He launches it hitting Bishop and Griffith in the back, knocking them off. He picks it back up and tosses it, hitting the rungs, causing the ladder to tilt back, sending the K9's off the other side. He begins to climb now, as they get up, and head back, as the three are on now. Papes and Luck both pummel Butler with shots, as he falls off. Griffith and Bishop now go up, and cut the K9's off at the top. They set up for a suplex, each with one man in arm, almost as if it's a giant superplex with the four men. Butler sees this, and slides under the ladders, and is now behind the ladders with Papes and Luck. As the superplex starts, he grabs the ladders and tips them back with the momentum, causing the ladders to fall on the pile at impact.]

[The building is freaking the hell out now as Butler is down to one knee. He tries to get his composer again to get to the titles, but he's moving slow. After a good thirty seconds, the fans still chanting for the match, he gets up and makes his way over to a ladder. He sets it up and drags his body up to the belts. Bishop now is up, and is slowly trying to stop the cause. Papes now sets up another ladder and begins to climb as well. Griffith stays on pace, as he comes over and goes up with them. Luck finally is up and he grabs the third ladder, and lays it over the middle rope, and on a rung, as we have now some type of building in the ring.]

[Luck begins to walk across the bridge as he steps up and is now on the top of the ladder with Griffith and Papes. Griffith pushes Papes over and then punches Luck down, so he is now on his knees on the bridge. Butler now on the other ladder gets knocked off by Bishop, who begins the climb. Daniel Corey though is finally back up as he tips the ladder over. Griffith now is at the top of the ladder he's on, and pushes Luck off to the canvas. Out of nowhere though comes Daniel Corey, who springboards onto the ladder and charges up. As he grabs the belts, Griffith grabs him by the neck, and tosses him onto the bridge.]

[Griffith looks up, and grabs the belts, falling to the canvas with both in hand.]

DT: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the contest, and NEW PPW Tag Team Champions! Garret Bishop and Dusty Griffith!

[Griffith hands the other strap to Bishop as the place is going bananas as the two celebrate the victory.]

(We cut backstage to the locker room, as we see Demetrius Burrell just sitting on a chair looking down at the floor, as he is in deep thought and trying to prepare himself mentally for the main event, the door to his locker room opens.)

“I'm over here Tasha.”

(Not a sound is heard as the person walks closer to Demetrius, suddenly there is a hand on his shoulder and Demetrius looks up and standing in front of him is none other then his wife Tasha, Demetrius smiles as Tasha smiles back.)

“What's up babe.”

(Tasha smirks and bats her eyes .)

“I just wanted to drop by and say good luck, I know how much this means to you, are you sure you don't want me out there?”

(Demetrius nods at his wife)

“I'm sure babe, this is something I have to do on my own.”

(Tasha smiles.)

“I understand that, but you know that I will be backstage watching and rooting you on.”

(Demetrius nods.)

“Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way.”

(Tasha smiles and nods before leaning in to give Demetrius a kiss.)

“Just be careful out there who knows what Rowell has up his sleeves.”

(Demetrius smiles.)

“No worries, I think he wants to do this himself as much as I do. Everything is going to be fine, it is going to be Rowell and myself one on one. Man to man.”

(Tasha smiles)

“Like I said baby just go out there and do what you do best and you will be fine.”

“I plan to do that and a whole lot more Tasha.”


DT: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the no disqualification contest. It is scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute time limit. Introducing first, from Järvenpää, Finland, weighing in at one-hundred-four kilo's. Being accompanied to the ring by Leena Saari, here is J.J. Halme!

[The searing first notes of Casket's thrash opus Carcass hits the PA system and out walks J.J. Halme, decked out in his reindeer fur gear. Leena Saari is close at his heels in her usual combats, jeans and a t-shirt. The crowd is booing incessantly at the Finn as he makes his way to the ring at an even pace.]

[Chris Kaladaro comes tearing through the curtain behind them. He shoves Leena out of the way and nails a clubbing blow right across the back of Halme's neck. He spins the Finn and immediately starts throwing rights at him as the bell finally sounds. Kaladaro is a house of fire throwing lefts and rights now boxing the beast down towards the ring. Halme backs right into the ring and Kaladaro lunges in and wraps his hands around Halme's neck.]

[Halme, appreciating the reprieve from the strikes bring a knee right into Kaladaro's ribs. It doesn't break the choke and he brings another one up, just enough to break Kaladaro's hands away. Halme throws a well placed jab right to the throat. Kaladaro backs up enough to prevent a follow up strike, but Halme makes a surprising retreat into the ring.]

[Kaladaro goes to follow but stops short of sliding in. He crouches down and throws the ring apron to the side and reaches underneath. He fumbles about and finds a tool box, pulling a large wrench from inside of it. He walks around the side and walks up the steps to enter the ring. Halme waits for him to climb over the middle rope, but instead of a direct attack boots it hard, low blowing Kaladaro.]

[Kaladaro spills into the ring and drops the wrench on the apron. Halme scoops him by the head and pulls him center ring. He throws his arm up to set up for a scoop slam but Kaladaro elbows him in the back of the head, following up with a vicious back rake. Halme shoots forward reaching for the scratches on his back, before turning and taking an excellent clothesline from Kaladaro.]

[Kaladaro tries to snatch him right up, but Halme slips out underneath the bottom rope. He grabs Kaladaro's ankles and pulls him onto his ass, trying to pull him out of the ring. Kaladaro pulls his legs in and kicks Halme back who smacks the guardrails. Kaladaro on the floor charges and hits Halme with a clothesline and they both spill over the edge and into the crowd.]

[Kaladaro again starts throwing punches at Halme, who takes a knee. Kaladaro rears back for a haymaker and Halme darts up and palms him in the throat. Kaladaro backs off a bit choking for air. Halme grabs a chair that had been abandoned by a fan and swings it right for Kaladaro's head. Kaladaro dodges but it still manages to catch him on the elbow, spinning him like a top as he reaches for it in pain.]

[Halme tosses the chair over the rail and into the ring before grabbing Kaladaro by the hair and dragging him to the rail. He goes to bounce his face off of it, but Kaladaro gets his other hand in the way to stop him. He swings at Halme and nails him in the stomach. But it barely phases to fit Finn and he gets a forearm to the head for his efforts. Now Halme is able to slam Kaladaro's head off the rail before throwing him over the other side again.]

[Halme steps over and puts a boot to Kaladaro's back who is making his way back onto his feet. It doesn't phase him too much until Halme tears one of the leather straps off of his reindeer skin tights and starts whipping Kaladaro across the small of the back with it. He catches him with another shot right underneath the chin before wrapping that strap around Kaladaro's neck. He starts pulling him towards the ring now, eyeballing the top rope.]

[He starts climbing up onto the apron for leverage to sort of Hang Kaladaro, but before he can step through the ropes, Kaladaro grabs a leg out from underneath him and pulls him off the apron, landing back first against the floor below. Kaladaro tears the strap off his neck and begins to give Halme a taste of his own medicine before throwing the strap away into the crowd.]

[He goes back to his 'stockpile' underneath the ring and pulls out a ladder that had been decimated earlier in the night. He lifts it high up and throws it down onto Halme's ribs, then proceeds to stomp on it a couple of times. He goes back underneath to find another object of destruction. Halme pushes the ladder off of himself and finds the wrench had broken his initial fall.]

[He balls a fist around the wrench and cold cocks Kaladaro as he turns back from his search under the ring, finding nothing interesting. Halme pins Kaladaro against the side of the ring and nails two more shots with the wrench loaded fist before placing the open end of the wrench against his forehead, attempting to tear the flesh apart with it. Kaladaro brings his arms up to try and pull Halme's arm away and at least manages to relieve the pressure off the point of contact.]

[Halme pulls back and throws a boot right into Kaladaro's face. He throws the wrench aside now and tosses Kaladaro into the ring. He take his turn now reaching under the ring. He pulls out a table and starts setting it up next to the ring. He jumps up on the apron to find Kaladaro on his feet. Kaladaro throws a punch but Halme ducks it and throws his arm across his chest, hooking him around the neck, as though he were going for a t-bone suplex. Kaladaro again elbows out of a bad spot and then takes Halme by the head and rams him into the ring post.]

[Halme drops off the apron and barely misses the table he had set up. Kaladaro grabs the chair that was in the ring and takes it to the outside. Halme is climbing to his feet by the ring post and Kaladaro swings hard. Halme ducks and the chair cracks off the ring post. Halme rolls away and grabs an end of the table, throwing it at Kaladaro. It hits him and tip over onto its side, but barely phases Kaladaro who charges now, without the chair right at the Finn.]

[Halme comes right in to meet him and the two almost lock up with each other's hands at their throats. Again, it's Halme using the knee that breaks the choke up, this time planting it right underneath the ribs on the front side. Kaladaro drops to a knee, having had the wind take out of him. Halme seizes the moment, grabs that chair and swings it hard, cracking it off Kaladaro's skull!]

[Kaladaro drops to both knees in a daze, blood instantly begins to trickle down his face. Halme tosses the chair aside and brings Kaladaro over to the table, turning it right side up and setting the Headliner right on top of it. He throws two forearms across the chest trying to keep the wind out of him before turning to the ring. He jumps up onto the apron and looks back. He shakes his head and climbs up the turnbuckle now, staring down at the table from the top rope.]

[Halme takes flight for a big splash down onto the table, Kaladaro brings his knees up as Halme lands and they crash through the table, but Kaladaro's knees get driven right into Halme's ribs. He explodes back onto his feet in a state of shock before dropping to his knees and rolling onto his back. Leena Saari comes running over to check on him and even brings a bottle of water from the announcers table to try and cool his head off.]

[Kaladaro is up first though and he comes right up behind Leena, grabbing her by the hair. She rears back and clocks him right in the jaw spinning him like a top. She comes in now and drills him with another fist. She attempts a third but Kaladaro gets the arm up to block it. He grabs her by the hair and head butts her right between the eyes! She drops but Halme comes diving off the guard rail now with Ukonvasara!]

[Halme checks Leena who's nose is gushing blood. He laughs at her before turning back to Kaladaro who is still trying to catch his wind after Halme's entire weight floored him. He grabs him again by the hair and throws him now into the ring again. He follows right in behind him and tries to go for a pinfall, scoring only a two count. Leena now slides the ladder into the ring underneath the bottom rope.]

[Halme snatches the ladder and lays it on its side center ring. He grabs Kaladaro and stuffs his head through a couple of the steps before planting a knee right between his shoulder blades and pulling back on the ladder, in a makeshift version of a camel clutch.]

[Kaladaro looks very close to giving up, but the ladder slips out of Halme's grip and this one will continue on. Halme turns and heads to the buckle again. He climbs up onto onto the second rope before diving off for a leg drop. Kaladaro rolls away and pulls the ladder into his place. Halme lands hard on the ladder and Kaladaro comes to life, gets to his feet and gives Halme somewhat of a roundhouse right in the chest. Kaladaro covers and manages to score a two count.]

[Kaladaro grabs the ladder now and is actually able to snap off one of the rungs. He does just that and starts using a jagged edge of the torn aluminum to rip away at the flesh on Halme's forehead. He rears back with one mighty swing and smacks him right in the side of the head. Halme almost balls up in the fetal position holding his head as the blood comes flowing out. Kaladaro gets up onto his feet now and throws the ladder piece away. He takes a deep breath and starts motioning for the Painkiller, much to the delight of the crowd.]

[Kaladaro grabs Halme and pulls him up onto his knees. He ducks his head and starts pull him up to his feet when Halme pancakes and grabs Kaladaro around the ankle. He pushes him over with a textbook takedown and crawls up to throw a couple of clubbing fists to the face. On his hands and knees, Halme crawls to the ropes again to assist him in getting to his feet. Chris Kaladaro is also working his way to his feet in a pool of the two men's blood.]

[At opposite ends of the ring now, they charge in. Kaladaro throws a running forearm but Halme ducks it. They both stop and turn to each other and Halme sends the kick known as Mustamakkara!]

[Kaladaro starts to drop and Halme steps in behind him, locking his hands underneath Kaladaro's chin, stepping over his back and leaning back hard. Kaladaro screeches in pain as the blood continues to pour now from the gash in his forehead, right above that previously injured eye. Halme modifies this hold now, known as Surman Suuhun by taking one hand and prying at that wound with his fingers.]

[The blood is really going now, even the referee seems uneasy watch, he stands up as though he's going to call for the bell just as Kaladaro's hand starts to slap the mat. With certainty now the referee calls for the ball and pries Halme off of Kaladaro before he inflicts any more damage.]

DT: Ladies and gentlemen, you winner by submission, at a time of twenty-seven minutes and six seconds....

[Halme is staring straight at DT now. DT freezes in mid announcement. Halme crawls over to where DT is standing, still on his knees now, and simply mouths the words “say it”.]


[Halme drops to his back, trying to catch his breath. Blood still flows freely from his head as well, as Leena comes over to his side to assist him in moving to the floor.]

[A team of officials is assisting Chris Kaladaro by loading him onto a scoop stretcher. The crowd is irate as can be, chanting “J.J. Sucks” and throwing things at the victorious Finn.]

Rowell vs Burrell Preview

Note: The link has music inside, so adjust your volume as needed. Also the mp3 file sometimes ends early, so sorry for any issues if any happen.