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Thanks to all of you who auditioned for Children Castle Theater’s winter production of Beauty and the Beast. You all did wonderfully and made casting quite a challenge! A special congratulations to all those who made the cast! Please pick up your script inside the Farmington Clinic and bring it with you to the first rehearsal on Wednesday, January 2nd! Have a wonderful winter break and don’t forget to study your lines!

CCT Staff

Beauty and the Beast Cast

Taylor Anderson
Lynea Behnke
Amy Brockhaus
Julie Davick
Elizabeth Dittman
Rachel Doerfler
Kayla Feldt
Hannah Fitzgibbons
Mariah Geiger
Sydney Geiger
Caleb Gochenour
Marie Gulsvig
Josh Hannaman
Jessica Hansen
Kristin Hollatz
Brillany Jackson
Anna Jaramillo
Tyra Jaramillo
Alison Jette
Laren Jette
Jessica Johnson
Michael Johnson
Trudy Kelberg
Karlee Kinchammer
Kim Lang
Josie Larson
Mya Lear-Tharldson
Zoe Lear-Tharldson
Anne Lillie
Morgan Lillie
Andrea McEwen
Morgan A. Medued
Siobhan Mulloy
Payton Parmett
Azu Petersen
Kaya Petersen
Roni Petersen
Alexandra Plunkett
Jessie Richgels
Elizabeth Roorda
Jak Rude
Madison Rude
Noelle Rude
Gordy Schmidt
Jesse Schmidt
Martha Schmitz
Sophie Sieh
Emily Sontag
Nick Sontag
Tori Sontag
Kate Sorenson
Chris Stark
Lydia Stark
Natalie Stark
Maddie Stuart
Martin Stuart
Anastasia Smith
Gretchen Smith
Ashley Velscher
Brytani Witt
Hannah Zak
Leah Zak
Sarah Zak
Jeny Zientara