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Annon Sans is a cool, new, True Type font for Pokémaniacs everywhere! As you may know, Annon (# 201) has twenty-six different forms, each resembling a letter of the alphabet. We thought, "Wouldn't it be cool to have an Annon font?" So here it is, Annon Sans!
Annon Sans is complete! It is now availible for download!

Download Annon Sans (7k)
Annon Sans requires Winzip or another unzipping utility. Unzip the file to your Windows/Fonts folder after dowloading.

History of Annon Sans

Creation of Annon Font
Annon Font renamed Annon Sans
Annon Sans website
Official naming of Annon Sans
The completion of Annon Sans
Annon Sans availible for download

About Annon Sans

Annon Sans, originally known as Annon Font, is a True Type font for Windows*. The font itself is composed mostly of the character Annon, which looks like the letters of the alphabet. I had wondered ever since I first "met" Annon, if it wouldn't be cool to make a font out of them? The font was created in a matter of days, and actually wasn't too difficult. I imported bitmaps of Annons I had drawn in Paint to a font creator program (called Font Creator Program) where they were turned into the font's individual "glyphs." I made it so the uppercase and lowercase letters are identical, because there aren't actually any lowercase Annons (they all seem to be uppercase!)

Characters availible for use in Annon Sans:
~ `
!@#$%^&*() 1234567890
_+ -=
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
{} []
:" ;'
<>? ,./
| \

Annon Sans created by Rachel Briggs, 2000
Annon and all other Pokémon characters by Nintendo, 1995-2000
* Annon Sans may be Macintosh compatible, but we don't know for sure. If you'd like to test this theory, please contact us.