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The Holy and Ancient Archives

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Things not to do no matter what the stupid advertising banner at the top of the page or in pop up form says. (also, these are in reverse order, so number 10 is the worst thing to do, so read it first. or maybe last. I...uhh. if the worst is last and the best is first, but they are in reverse order of what they would logically, with the first one that would make if the thing that you don't want to do the most, but then it would be the worst, so it would come....Oh my I've gone cross eyed)  

If you have been here before and found something that was here and is not here now then it most likely only exists on my hard drive. If you want something from me and cannot find it here, but did find it here once, then email me here at and ask for it. Chances are that I will email it to you as soon as I can. If you do not want me to respond to the address from where I got it, then please send where you want me to send it to in the email. Thank you.