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Mike's Page

When I was told to create a webpage, the first thing that came to my mind is the PTO staff and players. I decided that I would show some of the players and give a short bio. about each of them and here it is.

List of players' pics I have
(Click the name to go to the pic)
jmp56 Player1301 kenzie011997
statira gro772152 Doneone69
Npieces Bearbabe Baby Dew
Gooonads Para Shoots BridgetJones
Fragile Doll Tee it uppp Wheezy.1
Basssss Quinn Puff a.k.a. mos-kito

4th North has a Halo page.

Here are some joke images i've gotten over time.

This is the list of players I have so far. If you want me to add you to the list or have any questions or comments, just send me an email at and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. If you have ICQ you can also send me a message. My number is 19933345. seek you) This is where you can get ICQ. It's a program similar to AOL instant messanger, but much better. I go to this site every now and then. Trob told me about it. It contains violent content, so if you don't like that kind of stuff don't go there. I got a couple of animations from this site along with the background. They got some good stuff there if you want to check it out.

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