                         AH COUNTER

1.  When called on, explain duties; return control to 
    Madam/Mr. Toastmaster.

2.  Log filler words or sounds used by anyone speaking during 
    the meeting:
    Ah, um, er, you know, tch, and and...

3.  Present report; return control to Madam/Mr. Toastmaster.


1.  Review personal objective with speaker.

2.  Obtain speaker's manual and present objectives to club when
    called on; return control to Madam/Mr. Toastmaster.

3.  Present oral evaluation; address club and speaker.
          Be objective and point out strengths of speech.
          Give constructive criticism, but be kinder to newer members.
          If unsure, write suggestions in manual rather than say them.
          Don't just read evaluation written in book.

4.  After evaluation, return control to "Madam/Mr. General Evaluator"

                         GENERAL EVALUATOR

1. During the meeting monitor:
       Starting/Ending times.
       Good examples of delivery, organization, duties.
       Passing control.
       Not speaking unless called on.

2. Explain the purpose of the General Evaluator.

3. Strictly follow agenda; call for reports.

4. Present evaluation of meeting;
   keep re-evaluations of speakers short;
   point out things that were missed or comment on exceptional delivery.

5. Be constructive and positive.

6. When finished, address Madam/Mr. Toastmaster.


1.  (Prior to meeting, select a "word of the day" and prepare signs
    with scotch tape for meeting.)  Hill Speakers club uses the word
    selected by the Toastmaster.

2.  Explain duties when called on; explain "word of the day" and use
    in a sentence; return control to Madam/Mr. Toastmaster.

3.  Log use of the "word of the day", incorrect grammar, creative
    language and "word pictures".

4.  Present report; return control to Madam/Mr. Toastmaster.


1.  Please send the Toastmaster the title of your speech, manual
    speech number, and requested time. 

2.  Tell the Toastmaster which equipment do you need to deliver your speech.

3.  Show up 5 minutes early at the meeting.

4.  Bring your evaluation book/sheet to the meeting and give it
    to your evaluator.


1.  Confirm time/light requirements for:
                                        Green/Amber/  Red
             Speakers          usually  5 min/6   min/7 min
             Table Topics      usually  1 min/1.5 min/2 min
             Evaluators        usually  1 min/1.5 min/2 min

2.  Try to sit in back/center.

3.  Explain duties when called on; return control to Madam/Mr. Toastmaster.

4.  Record name & time used.

5.  Present oral report:  address club, return control to Madam/Mr. Toastmaster.
When the automatic timing device is missing, use something Green/Amber/Red.
Stand up if the speaker won't stop talking 30 seconds after the Red light.


1.  Contact before meeting: Table Topics Master, General Evaluator, Speakers.

2.  Send reminder at least two working days before the meeting.

3.  Select word of the day.

4.  Prepare agenda for the meeting.

5.  (Prepare for theme continuation and introducing speakers; include
    interesting information about the speaker.)  Optional for Hill Speakers.

6.  Sit nearest lectern.

7.  Strictly follow agenda items and times.

8.  Lead applause.

9.  Call on evaluators for objectives of each speech.

10.  Do not leave lectern until speaker is there; shake hands.

                         TABLE TOPICS MASTER

1.  Get theme from Toastmaster, if any.  Prepare questions to go with theme
    or random questions.  Optional for Hill Speakers Club.

2.  When at lectern, explain duty if guests.

3.  Call on members WITHOUT DUTIES OR SPEECHES; only if time permits, call
    on others.

4.  Do not ask lengthy questions or give lengthy oratory; this time is
    allotted for those being called on.  The objective is to have every
    person participate in the meeting.

5.  When finished, address Madam/Mr. Toastmaster.  Do not leave lectern
    until Toastmaster is back, shake hands.


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