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Lifes Purpose

For those who have lost a child or a loved one.
I wrote this to a father, who lost his son in a car accident about four years ago. April was his anniversary, and I saw that he, my freind, was sad. Here on line I cannot hug him or my dear freinds, but perhaps my words can reach out to all of you, knowing my love is with you all.

Its not always one person who helps another, I believe two people meet, to help one another in some way, be it support, or a new understanding, etc.. I dont want you to think you are the one who is weak, because you are sad. I very well could be the weak one, who needs you, for you are the survivor. All I know is, its always a give and take. Just knowing you, talking to you is something special. Women are a bit different, we are more open and able to express our emotions. Even if your not a real open guy, and you were raised to be "a man", its okay to let things out sometimes, its okay to cry and let others see. You know, I believe that when people see a man actually cry, and let go.. who normally doesn't show that side of him,(because he may be feeling embarrased about it).. it helps all the others grow. It makes their hearts actually open and stretch wider, allowing them to see that love can grow, and yes, it's painful, but it's Gods way of stretching our heart to accept the love he has to give, and to love how we are meant to love .

We, as humans, dont love enough, we choose selected beings to love, when we should be loving all. We give all our love to special people in our lives, wives, sons, daughters, parents etc, but how much do we give to others, and how much do we give to God? We get angry at God for taking our loved ones away, but we forget, we are only here for a short time, for a special purpose, and when that purpose is completed, he brings us back home. We look at death as a bad thing, because it hurts and physically separates us from the ones we love, but if you saw what death is truly about, you would see that there is a spirit a soul, it is home there in heaven with God.. it chooses to be born, to come here to the earth school to learn, so it is born into a family, the spirit is born into a body that you and your wife created together. You created that child together out of love, this makes the strongest of bonds. At this point, you feel you own him, but really this child is Gods child, you are just the care takers per say and also a child of Gods. God trusted him in your hands, in your love, knowing you would love him like no other. So this child learns, and teaches others, even as an infant, about love, about life. Then at a time we belive is too short.. he is called back home. The sickness or accident is so very tragic to us, for our loved one is being ripped from our arms and theres nothing we can do.

We feel guilt, we feel anger..we feel a deepend draining life sucking sadness. We ask, what could have I done more? I should have done this.. or that.. and maybe he wouldn't have died. We punish ourselves out of pain and out of not understanding. But we all have a purpose, and we all know in our spirit form, that we came here for that purpose, and we actually look foward to going back home, to a place called heaven, where our real father dwells. For that spirit, as in your childs.. his only sorrow, is knowing your pain, feeling and seeing you suffer for the loss of their flesh. But as you know, when teaching your child to ride a bike for the first time, he will fall and get hurt, but you must let him continue learning and the day will come a few rides later, where he will have learned and adjusted. All the suffering is over, he is free.. just riding free. You have helped him to do that. So you too, must help him be free.. let go of the bike seat and let him soar.

He too, had to let go of your grasp, so you could grow and learn and teach others so that you too, can join in the eternal celebration of life. We look at death, and death anniversaries as the most saddest time here on earth.. and it is.. but for the person who has died, death is the ultimate graduation, the anniversary should be a celebration, for that person went through all he did here on earth, he accomplished what he was here to do and to learn and teach.. before we did. Imagine that. What a wonderful teacher you were. What a wonderful mother or father you were. If you could look at your childs life, and his death, you will see, he graduated in all, with honors.

Don't be sad. I know you miss that son of yours. But know he is safe and back home, in a place we all shall go to. He is happy, and healthy, and waiting for the proud day his family will join him once again. When your time has come, when you have completed your learning, and teaching here, you will then see the light and the love that brought your son home, you then will understand it all. For now, all you need do, is believe in Jesus and you too, will be taken home. I hope this helps you breathe a little easier, and helps you to understand just a little bit more. Keep believing, keep praying and most of all keep loving.

My love to you,

Keetonah aka Denise

This page is dedicated to my parents, to Doug and his son Alan, and all others who are grieving over the loss of their child.

In honor of my sister, Renee

Healing through Prayer
Healing of Spirit