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Manifest A Miracle How to Beat Cancer

Denise Farka, MHt, RM

If you could create a miracle in your life wouldn't you want to know how? I believe miracles are closer to our reach than we think. I have recently been on a search on the spirit aspect of "Mind, Body & Spirit". When I treat my patients as I have mentioned on my other pages, I treat them with all three of these in tandem. You can give the body medicine to heal, but if you don't get rid of the source such as in cancer and other diseases, your chances of getting it back is pretty high. Like a dandelion, if you just pull it out of the ground, chances are you are still leaving some kind of root, and in time it will grow back. If you get it by the roots, it will not grow back. It is the same way with cancer. Cancer is caused by many things, mostly a weakened immune system. As soon as toxins enter your body, a weakend immune system will allow the pre-existing cancer cell to be activated. Stress also will weaken your immune system and that can also break down the barrier and allow the cancer cell to awaken. There are hereditary factors too, but not all people inherit cancer. The power of the mind comes into play with that too. If someone says, well your mother had cancer and your father had cancer, and your grandparents had cancer, your bound to get it. No that is not true, but if you believe it, chances are it will come about. Its kind of like the witch theory, where if a witch cast a spell on you, and you found out, you can actually create that so called spell to happen. Our minds are so powerful, its truly amazing.

That is where the mind also comes into play. Find out what things in your life you are carrying around with you. Find out what makes you stressed. Serch for your fears, and anxieties and things that haunt you from the past. Release this and you will help your body to heal.

Your body needs to know what it needs to fight back with. There are many foods that you can eat that have antioxidants and will help fight against the cancer. I will discuss them on another page. What I will tell you is, that Vitamin C is a great antioxidant, but, if you take it while you are on chemo, the Vitamin C with its sugar will be soaked up by the cancer cell first and that builds up the cancer cell. It robs your other cells and blood of all its needs, so now the cancer cell is winning. After the before and after the chemo is the best time to intake your vitamin C. And always take your vitamins at night, when your body can absorb them for the longest amount of time. If you take them during the day, and drink the water you are suppose to, you will basically pee them out before they do you any good. So take them at nightime before bed.

Now to the spirit. How do you keep your spirit when you feel that God has abandoned you? He hasn't. Man created the chemicals we eat each day, the toxins we put in our bodies through food, dental fillings, absorbtion through the skin, toxic fumes, cleansers we use, pressed board, etc... He gave us all the plants, herbs, trees for our medicines to keep us healthy. But the toxins in our bodies are so built up our natural resources have a tough time getting through. That is why it is wise to detoxify first. I just read an article about how cilantro/corriander plant put into a soup that the oriental people use releases a tremendous amount of mercury, metals and toxins in our body. Imagine just eating soup will detoxify you. There are teas also. And of course good ole water, plenty of it too will do your mind and body wonders.

NOw that that is all cleared up, so you say, what about the miracles we can create. Well, of course by doing the above will help create that miracle for you. God knows there are things here on earth that are way too difficult for us to handle. So all he expects us to do is our very best and to have the faith and trust in him. I mean complete faith and trust. You have heard the saying from the movie, "Field of Dreams, build it and they will come". Well if you think about that saying, you have to have complete faith to invest all that time and devotion and in some circumstances money and sacrifices to build that field of dreams. You may call it a leap of faith, some people may even call it stupid. But usually those are the people who have little or no faith. If you totally surrender to God, he will work things out for you. You might say, well so and so had complete faith, prayed all day and night and lived a saints life and still died. Maybe she did, but maybe too it was her time to leave this earth and go back home, maybe the sickness she went through was her last lifes lesson to fullfill. You know, many people who have had cancer have come to me saying it was their gift. Going through a life threatening disease will awaken you quicker than you could ever imagine. You learn all sorts of things and meet all kinds of people, you look at things differently and come to more realizations. You even get to know more about yourself than you ever had before.

I have recently listened to a tape by Deepak Chopra and Gregg Braden, both Dr's in their field. Deepak a medical doctor and Gregg a scientist. The tape is on Gregg Bradens book the "Isaiah Effect". How prayer has moved into the scientific studies. I forget what country that Gregg was in, but he had gone to a non medication hopsital. There are no anesthetics or medicines. This woman had a large tumor as she lay upon the table in this sort of operating room. They took an ultrasound to show the tumors size and location. Three oriental doctors stood around the table and started chanting something, no words in particular they say, but what they did was imagine the tumor gone out of the womans chest. Within 2 or 3 minutes, they stopped the chant, and stood there clapping their hands in praise. The ultrasound taken again, showed the tumor completetly gone. This was done and taped infront of students and an audience.

Another incidence was upon visiting a native american elder, they went out to pray for rain, as it hadn't rained in months. I guess Gregg was thinking they would do some kind of chant or rain dance, but instead he stood there and watched the old man take off his Walmart workboots, step into a drawn circle with his bare feet, upon the dry earth. The old man wiggled his feet back and fourth in the dry earth and held out his hands and then stepped out of the circle and put on his work boots. Lets go get lunch, he said. Gregg was a little concerned, saying that he thought they were going to pray for rain, and the old man said, "We did"! He went on to explain further that when he wiggled his feet in the dry earth, he was imagining that they were smushing around in cool wet mud. He also pictured the smell of the rain, and the colors of the plants when wet. He said, if we had prayed asking for rain, we would have admitted that rain didn't exist at that time. But if we imagine the rain, make it exist in our minds, and thank the Creator, he will send us rain. Sure enough hours later it rained.

If we take these theorys and apply them to our health, such as cancer, leukemia etc... We too can create these miracles! Don't pray to God asking for him to heal you, don't beg, plead and make bargains you can't keep. Trust in him, know he can do this and that you can have your health back again. Every day you wake, picture yourself healthy and well. Know that you will get better. No matter how bad or what stage you are in, never give up your faith in God. And certainly don't try to handle it on your own. The placebo effect has proven that our minds are so tricked. That as long as we believe, we can and will suceed. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. As I mentioned, credit for my findings go to Deepak Chopra and Gregg Braden and their tape and Greggs new book The Isaiah Effect.

Love, healing & blessings to you!

My work with cancer patients is by donations only. If you would like to make a contribution or donation it would greatly be appreciated and used to expand on materials and literature for my patients.

If you are interested in a gift for someone who has cancer or is terminally ill, you might want to take a look at my Healing Angels. They are little handmade angels that have a quartz crystal inside of their bodies which is charged with prayers and healing energies. They are each blessed and prayed over specially for whom they are intended. It is a wonderful gift. The price for each blessed healing angel is $25.oo


Thank you and may God bless you!

Healing Angels

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