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Hypnotherapy & Cancer


For those of you who have cancer or know of someone with cancer, there is great hope in helping your body to heal. As with all treatments being conventional or alternative, one can never guarantee to restore perfect health or to overcome our diseases. Certainly there have been amazing results, as well as, disappointing ones in the routes we choose to tackle our illnesses. I believe ones’ healing comes from within. It comes from our faith and the love around us. You can’t treat something like cancer with just a pill or just chemo and radiation treatments. It takes a change in lifestyle, it takes being pickier in the foods and drink we put into our bodies, it takes you believing that you are worthy of healing, it takes love and ones’ spirit and trust in our creator. Our minds are so very powerful. We all know the “placebo” effect, as in taking a sugar pill unknowingly, and tricking the mind into believing that we actually are taking a medicated pill. It’s proven to work in many case studies. Hypnotherapy is basically just that, we by pass (fool) the conscious mind and get into the subconscious where the real healing takes place.

The conscious mind is rational and analytical. It is the judging part of our mind, the harbor of our will power. Healing comes when old perceptions are changed, in a goal achieving subconscious mind, so that they can sing in harmony. Our conscious mind is temporary, where our subconscious mind is permanent. The subconscious mind cannot judge, it is like a fertile pot of soil, it will grow anything that is planted. The subconscious is the feeling part of our mind, holding in negative emotions. People are in prisons because of it, it kills, and a lot of our children are put on chemicals we call medicine because of it. Yet, it is the positive part of our minds. Western medicine refuses to acknowledge, respect, or understand this part of the mind. People will remain sick no matter how their symptoms are treated, as long as, we feel we are not worthy of healing in our subconscious minds. The subconscious mind says, “ I deserve to be punished,” or “I’ve been so bad that I don’t deserve life,” or “They would be better off if I were dead.” Our subconscious minds actually run programs like guilt and self mutalization. Consciously, you can be actively and enthusiastically fighting for life. Doctors remove the symptom, the cancer or tumor, but most of the time they ignore the calling. Your subconscious mind says.. “Gee, every time I attempt to do my job and punish this person the doctor goes in and cuts out my work.” So it says, “I’ll do something to this body that he hasn’t the cure for.. hmmm.. Cancers a good one!” In many cases, our own THOUGHT is the cause of cancer. Starting to make sense?

Our memory is stored in the cells of our bodies. If we change our thoughts, the old cells burned out by bad thoughts from our past, will die off and get replaced by new ones. (Ones’ suggested positively in hypnotherapy once we reach the subconscious). Gee, what can that do for our immune system? What can that do for cancer? Sounds like a new shot at life doesn’t it? As I said, there are never guarantees, but if healing is Gods will for us, we certainly will be doing our job at giving ourselves that opportunity to heal in his love. I am here to help you give yourself that opportunity.

With love,healing & blessings,


Office Hours are Monday thru Friday, by appointment only. Please call 203)746-0823

I am one of the volunteer experts at a free info website on Alternative Medicine and Healing and a volunteer healer and a member of Oralin Ethical Readers Association

Copyright ~ March 20, 2001

Healing through Prayer