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LA: Photography


Cannon EF 100mm f/2.8 macro usm

I was helping look-up a particular camera lens for a friend (Dec 25th 2006)

-Price Comparisons (*Digital

  • ABEs of Maine

  • Monday, January 8th of 2007 Hi,
    How are you? I’m sad to inform you that the order (down below) wasn’t able to get to us on-time. I was helping a friend of mine from Bulgaria (Tony-student of mine that has been learning English as a Second Language in rural small farming town of Morris, Minnesota) order this (for his wife-Margarita) before leaving America (from the Minneapolis-St. Paul Int’l Airport).

    -Here is the time line …. We were hoping that it’ll get to the destination (my dad’s place in St. Paul, Minnesota, which is a 3 hour drive from Morris) before Margarita’s flight (@6:50pm on Sunday, January 7th of 2007). Your (ABE’s of Maine) website gave us the option to have us get the order delivered in 2 days (already e-mailed and left a message on the answer machine for Phil at extension line #219 on 1.800.992.ABES confirming the order and that we needed the order by January 7th before Margarita’s flight departure), so we were willing to pay the extra cost (would’ve not done this if we knew it was going to arrive later than the 7th). We filled the order registration on-line by Monday, January 1st of 2007 (we have been trying to order this until it was available a week before) and it took 2-3 days (excluding the New Year’s Holiday) to process as stated on the website; however, we were hoping that by the time the product was sent out on Thursday, January 4th that we would’ve get in two days (Saturday?). I checked the UPS Tracking Website and the e-mail that was sent to me (just right after the ABE’s Order Confirmation e-mail) from them stated that the arrival would be Monday, January 8th of 2007. We became a little doubtful (on 5th-Friday afternoon after getting off from my day job 8a-4p) that we’ll be getting the order before both of my Bulgarian friend’s (Tony leaving @1:40pm on Monday, January 8th of 2007) flight departure. But, we didn’t give-up because we felt it might come earlier despite UPS’s e-mail). I became very doubtful after checking on Saturday (6th) the UPS Tracking Website when I didn’t see any change of status (still in New Jersey) of the order. That is why I called you (ABE’s of Maine) and left a message Saturday afternoon around 2pm (dad’s place-Cansiano Monteagudo, whose name I put for the order to be sent to) after arriving (3 hour road trip) in St. Paul from Morris. My hope came up again on Sunday evening (9p) after going back to Morris after dropping Margarita at the MSP Int’l Airport and Tony at a Bulgarian friend’s house in Minneapolis. I called Tony that the order is in Minneapolis (5:51p according to UPS)! I woke up this morning (@5am Monday, January 08, 2007) and told UPS to “hold” the package so Tony has the chance to pick it-up before UPS delivers it (anytime 9a-4p) and before going to MSP int’l airport by 11:40p. I called UPS around 11pm and they “finally” told me that I needed my dad’s (Cansiano) written permission (would’ve got this before if they told us this earlier!) to have Tony pick-it up. I was at work and didn’t have the time to get this long process done.

    Now, I’m wondering what to do with the order because Tony & Margarita already left the country and the $450 has been already charged to my credit card. Is there a way that UPS can just return (UPS told me if I don’t pick the product up from the Customer Center by the 12th of January) your product back without any charge? I was wondering if you have any suggestions.

    Sal Monteagudo,
    P.S. I just want to share this, so you'll know how to handle similar situations like these in the future as a first time customer doing this process.

    UPS Customer Center
    Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
    Saturday-Sunday: Closed
    For a map or directions, please visit the following link: com/using/services/locate/locate.html

  • Adorama, $463-30 rebate=$433
  •, for $467.89
  • Circuit City, $599
  • E-bay, $250
  • Stores

  • ABE's of Maine 1-800-335-2237
  • Circuit City

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