Simpsons Review

Ah "The Simpsons" of the greatest shows to ever grace the reign of television. Funny, sassy, controversial, and ground breaking, Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie have gone through so much. What's this I hear? Oh yes, they can add ENCOUNTER WITH NSYNC to their list of accomplishments. Various music stars have lent their voices to cartoon embodiments of themselves - Britney Spears, The Who, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Smashing Pumpkins and even Kid Rock to name a few. And now Nsync is the latest music band to be cartoon-ized on the's a look into their episode for anyone who missed it:

Bart, Milhouse, Nelson, and Ralph form a boy band in this episode. Who else to stop by and give them a few pointers before their first big performance than Nsync??? Justin, JC, Lance, Joey and Chris all look rather...ummmm...not life like in their cartoon forms. It was hard to tell between Lance and JC (Justin had a bandana so that was an easy one). They all had their various peeves that stayed with them on the show and their classic distinguishing lines so that everyone would know it was them. Justin's dominant "WORD" after every sentence was beyond hilarious. They weren't actually on the show that much. They came into the building to talk to Bart and crew while doing a sideways stepping almost like country dance...gave them a few pointers...then exited in the same manner. It was actually funny that they played one of their songs (Space Cowboy or Bring' Da Noise or Digital Get Down...aww hell I don't remember) when they entered and exited. Later, near the end of the show, the guys appeared again this time to give a short dance lesson whereas Lance instructed something like "step pivot twist down up round over under in out turn" while they all did the moves and then said "and finish it off with a matrix" as they all jumped in the air, striking a pose and staying air bourn. Good 'ol Chris however, falls down and lands on the floor = VERY HUMOROUS!!

So all in all, Nsync's first venture into the cartoon world of regularly scheduled programming was a success. Future spots on "The Simpsons" are a possibility whereas a prestigious Disney film cameo is far in the distance. Will we be seeing Nsync interacting with Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie anytime soon? This reporter says HOPEFULLY! This is Kent Brockman for "Eye On Springfield."

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