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entertain the brutes...

Hey. here is some info on me. my life isnt that exicting so you probably dont really want to read it, but oh well. ive lived in kasson my whole life, same house even. ill soon be moving to duluth! i graduated rctc with honors and im going to be going to the UMD. i have an older sister, Erin, she lives in austin now. i also have a brother in law which is kewl. i am 20 years old. my boyfriend and best friend is dan. we met when we went to germany in 1999. we went to europe again in june 2001 and june 2002. it was sooo beautiful! I can't believe we actually saved up enough money... but we did! :) im a server at carlos o kelleys. its fun and family like. i've been working on my page again since school is done. ill probably put some more pages on with more pointless shit... have fun... :)

need more?

...but keep your enemies closer

freaks and ghouls

my stupid hate writing

a mushy poem

let me know what you think, but be gentle, its my first time

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