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¡México! El País Sin Moralejas...

When the UofM said I could no longer study at Hebrew U in Israel, a back up plan was in order. Fine ... they won't let me study in my homeland?? Instead, I'll go to Mexico and live it up there for 4 months! Best decision of my life. For those of you uncertain, let me explain it simply. Spanish class from 9-2pm, then freedom to hit the local establishments all night. Test every Friday at 11am, and nothing nor homework until 9am on Monday. I traveled all over the country and had my share of adventures...

Click on the links below to sse pictures from a specific part of the trip:

Good Times In Our Base City

Spring Break Tour of Acapulco to Puerta Valarta

El Ultimo Viaje que Acampa Arriba La Malinche!

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